Stainless Pressure Cooker

Gerry, regardless of what type, if I didn't have a pressure cooker I would be all over it like a fat kid on a smarty. I have own an All American cooker for many years and the price way back then was $150.
Hi Oh Sure, are you positive that it is stainless and not aluminum?

Fellow fisherman!

I apologize for my ignorance. It is aluminum. I thought it was SS until I checked on the internet. But it looked so shiny, I assumed.

Cheers Oh Sure,

Very close but I have a 25 quart All American pressure cooker and am looking for another one of the same kind.

I find that the pressure gauge on them are very accurate and I process a lot of fish - just finished 20 cases of salmon and having 2 units going would cut the work substantially.

Thanks for the info Oh Sure ... and next time you're in Nanaimo give me a shout for coffee.