Soft-drink makers accused of using 'Big Tobacco playbook' - Salmon Feedlots similar

Wow. The position on sea life around salmon farms sure has changed over the last few years. It wasn't long ago that salmon farms were dead zones for miles around. Now... Thriving with life! Guess it suits the current speculations against thus the arguments are being modeled differently. Or are they dead zones Now? No ok. Ummm. Now? Oh. Ok. Let me guess. Both? When it is convenient in your arguments? Thought so.
My goodness, I am so fed up with your denial CK. I hope your being well paid to support an unsustainable and damaging operation. There is nothing good about fish farms. I hope that you are not feeding your family farmed salmon.;) eman
BN - the only one confused - seems to be you.

There are 2 types of critters under cages:

1/ Plantonic/pelagic (i.e. in the water column), and
2/ Benthic (i.e. on/in the sea bottom).

IF you had any understanding of these issues - you wouldn't be confused.

Near, on and below the bottom there is decomposition of uneaten pellets and fish poo. Where that decomposition takes place - those bacteria and fungi use-up oxygen. The amount of that useage of oxygen depends upon mainly the amount of loading, but is also affected by temperature and (seasonally) water column turn-over due to temperature changes and stratification. Stratification can affect O2 levels for your farm fish, as well. You SHOULD already know this.

So, dependent upon where you locate your farm in relation to local oceanographic conditions, and how many fish you have to feed - you will find differences in how anoxic and how deep that bottom layer is. As you SHOULD know - as a condition of licence - DFO has approved your modelling as to how much loading your farm is expected to produce by expected numbers of fish held in your pens. DFO follows-up by looking at redox potential at the bottom.

No matter what you do - that build-up of feaces and feed will affect the original benthic inhabitants that were there (as either hard or soft bottom communities) generally leading to a change in the composition of that community over time to those inhabitants that can take low 02, and soft substrates. In addition to decomposing feed, there are trace amounts of sea lice treatment chemicals, metals, and possibly disease-causing organisms.

Another factor - low O2 means lowered pH (and increased redox), which tends to allow heavy metals that were formerly tied-up with the anions of the organics to become available biologically. The footprint of the benthic build-up generally lies within a few hundred meters of the actual cage locations. Plume modelling on released and suspended chemicals and naupilar stages of sea lice are completely another issue since these are pelagic/plantonic/water column effects- but generally, suspended particles and naupilar stages will travel ~5 km lineally back'n'forth with the tide, and then there are fjord estuarine hydrodynamics to consider, as well - which is a much longer discussion involving stratification and Coriolis effects.

Above this benthic community is the water column where things like wild fish stocks and caged cultured stocks swim. This includes good swimmers like fish, and slower swimmers like prawns. Prawns move in-and-out feeding opportunistically often coming up slopes with the onset of darkness to feed, while leaving down to the deeps as daylight breaks. On the way they interact with any food source they can find - including the big pile of fish poo and feed found at the bottom of net-cage sites. Fish also swim in-and-out of the area; some stocks are reasonably resident, others highly migratory.

NONE of these fish HAVE TO stay in the anoxic conditions found on the bottom, if fact they need a certain level of O2 and avoid anoxic conditions. Prawns can withstand lowered levels of O2 as compared to most fish, and could conceivably receive some benefit from less fish predation by being temporarily in the anoxic zone when feeding. Other contaminants like sea lice treatments could affect moulting down the road for these prawns.

IF you can't understand how this works, especially the risk of disease and parasite transfer - speaks volumes of your lack of understanding of your potential impacts, your lack of understanding of what a proper environmental assessment should do, and your inability to understand the critiques of the open net-cage methodology.

AGAIN - thanks for demonstrating that here on this forum for all to see.
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I assure you I am not confused about this. I am one of few people who has ever spent any time under a fish farm in person. I'd have to to say that with your last post you have just performed one of your 10 "D's". Lol.
ya that's right - the "D" in "Duh!" You're not that "special" of a person wrt having dove under fish farms, BN - certainly NOT one of the "few". MAYBE one of the few who appear to not understand what I just posted above. Ignorance is unfortunately not a specialty.

AGAIN thanks for demonstrating what I consider to be the lack of understanding and the lack of ability to develop understanding of these issues from industry people, and the inability to communicate meaningfully while using science - with the general public that have valid concerns.
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I assure you I am not confused about this. I am one of few people who has ever spent any time under a fish farm in person. I'd have to to say that with your last post you have just performed one of your 10 "D's". Lol.

Try not to confuse the professor with real world experience, it only serves to irritate him and exacerbate his/her already inflamed superiority complex.

It certainly must be a trying existence to dwell amongst such knuckle-draggers as us, and to have to suffer the questioning of his views by others who obviously lack the cognitive ability to perform at such a high level as he.

Must be a tough life.

You know, having all the answers - but not being able to convince everyone that they should believe you.

Obviously, everyone that disagrees is dumb - much easier to handle than being wrong.
The fact that you don't wish to engage in the science debate is telling enough as it is CK. Just because i have both real world AND a science background makes it obviously frustrating for you to have such a debate; derogatory comments being the tell tale sign that you have lost any debate.
Wow, very sad, uninformed, 'lack of any meaningful data/facts/research, refusing to answer any of the real questions/challenges' raised against salmon feedlots in this thread. The salmon feedlot industry promoters here have resorted to a few pitiful, barely related to the topic, bar graphs, some unknown video and lots of silly, childish comments and captions. Sad indeed! Is this the best that can be done to protect and promote your industry? The more you post, the more desperate, unfocussed and weak your responses are.

Maybe its time to take a break and get the foreign corporate HQ types to buy some better quality spin doctoring and/or "cook up" some new "research". Your making yourselves and your industry look pretty foolish here.
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I have to agree with you, WitW. Totally.
ClayoquotKim, your redundant posts are getting tiresome. Time for you to take a break, rethink, reload, maybe get a new PR firm and come up with some novel, creative thoughts or, better yet, for the sake of intelligent dialogue on this forum, some defensible science.
Just a suggestion.
Redundant posts?

Defensible science?

Maybe I should just blame Harper and call everything a conspiracy, citing speculative acts of collusion wherever there is a lack of evidence...

Seems to me that is the most common form of debate on here when you guys find yourself unable to actually show any impacts on wild populations from farms.

You have a great deal of fear about aquaculture and you feed it with whatever is available, whether it is valid in any way or not.

I see it from another angle, and am quite confident that the many examples of actual evidence which counter your speculation and theories show at worst an incredibly small impact from farms.

If you are unable to see that the graphs and videos show either evidence counter to your argument, or at least context to show where current levels of escapement fit in to the long term trends - well, you're welcome to your opinion.

Just don't call it fact.

Or tell me you got there by "science".

And if I'm going to have some fun posting images which may be humorous to those that share my position - so be it.
Whole in the Water, tincan, GDW, eaglemaniac, cuttlefish and other posters - I share your frustration over the lack of professionalism and maturity exhibited by many of the pro-farm lobbyists on this forum, and elsewhere in the media. This thread has adequately demonstrated insights into their closed, defensive mindset - precluding open and honest dialogue with other marine users groups and local communities. You can see how afraid they are of having a discussion about the available science, as they may have to acknowledge the validity of these concerns and viewpoints. You can see how they keep the discussion elevated and emotionally charged - promoting the acrimonious nature of the communication. You can see how this works in their favour - since no resolution of issues means business as usual.


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ya that's right - the "D" in "Duh!" You're not that "special" of a person wrt having dove under fish farms, BN - certainly NOT one of the "few". MAYBE one of the few who appear to not understand what I just posted above. Ignorance is unfortunately not a specialty.

AGAIN thanks for demonstrating what I consider to be the lack of understanding and the lack of ability to develop understanding of these issues from industry people, and the inability to communicate meaningfully while using science - with the general public that have valid concerns.
Agent, Birdnest has no scientific knowledge or understanding whatever. I quote his response to your detailed discussion of the myriad envionmental interactions going on under fish feed lots!!

I assure you I am not confused about this. I am one of few people who has ever spent any time under a fish farm in person. I'd have to to say that with your last post you have just performed one of your 10 "D's". Lol.

He really thinks that diving under a fish feed lot is a substitute for this level of scientific analysis and discussion. His complete ignorance was once shown on a previous thread where he called a paper published in a peer reviewed journal under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences, “gobblydegook”. I kid you not!

He has no place and no credibility discussing the science and evidence for the harm caused by fish feed lots, any more than he has the capability of debating quantum mechanics and string theory. It is all “gooblydegook” to him!!

Try not to confuse the professor with real world experience, it only serves to irritate him and exacerbate his/her already inflamed superiority complex.

It certainly must be a trying existence to dwell amongst such knuckle-draggers as us, and to have to suffer the questioning of his views by others who obviously lack the cognitive ability to perform at such a high level as he.

Must be a tough life.

You know, having all the answers - but not being able to convince everyone that they should believe you.

Obviously, everyone that disagrees is dumb - much easier to handle than being wrong.

And not surprisingly CK is at the same "level" of understanding as Birdnest. He also believes diving under the feed lots is all the "science" you need and is a sufficient and adequate response to Agent's very detailed and clear arguments about the plume effects going way beyond the net pen area.

In fact CK shows envy and as well as ignorance by trying to deride Agent as a "professor". Agent clearly has a far deeper grasp of the science and ecology than CK can even imagine and that come through time and again with his posts.

You are dumb when it comes to science CK as you clearly believe, just like fundamentalists everywhere, that these issues are a matter of "opinion". The science of the impacts of fish feed lots is no more a matter of "opinion" than the science of evolution or cosmology. Because you dismiss, through ignorance, indoctrination, or cynical self interest the proven science, it immediately places you right outside the limits of any credibility.
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Whole in the Water, tincan, GDW, eaglemaniac, cuttlefish and other posters - I share your frustration over the lack of professionalism and maturity exhibited by many of the pro-farm lobbyists on this forum, and elsewhere in the media. This thread has adequately demonstrated insights into their closed, defensive mindset - precluding open and honest dialogue with other marine users groups and local communities. You can see how afraid they are of having a discussion about the available science, as they may have to acknowledge the validity of these concerns and viewpoints. You can see how they keep the discussion elevated and emotionally charged - promoting the acrimonious nature of the communication. You can see how this works in their favour - since no resolution of issues means business as usual.

Business as usual - yes.

Any pro-farm voice on here gets called a shill, troll, apologist, or sociopath and has their maturity, integrity and cognitive ability questioned.

The same type of names don't flow back the other way because we are all fishermen, naturalists and environmentally minded people too - but we're not hypocrites who are unable to place human activities in their appropriate context given known information.

If you can't put a number on the fish aquaculture supposedly harms, it does not mean we are saying, "You can't prove it." (prompting cries of, "That's just what the tobacco lobby said!")

It means that it has not been measured as of yet and all evidence available shows that it is insignificant when compared to the tally racked up by other human activities.

You can't whine about your frustration when your answer to why your fears have not been addressed by regulators is that they are colluding with industry and it's all a big conspiracy.

Talk about frustrating.

Maybe the rest of the world does not share your perception of risk and is able to see all the elements of the situation and not just the ones that align with your feelings about salmon farms?

You guys get on here and stomp around with your firmly held beliefs thinking because you (have convinced yourself that you) hold the moral high ground that anyone who disagrees is selling out because obviously they wouldn't do what they do if they knew what you knew.

That is a joke.

You may just have to accept the fact that you get what you give, and suck up some jabs put out in response to your pedantic, self-righteous rants.
Defensible science?

Maybe I should just blame Harper and call everything a conspiracy, citing speculative acts of collusion wherever there is a lack of evidence...

Why of course CK, Harper has passed some wonderful laws by gutting the Fisheries Act and the Navigable Waters Act!! And by gagging scientists like Dr. Miller and ensuring no other scientist is allowed to speak about their results he is ensuring we citizens only get to hear the truth. Even though the Information Commissioner is investigating the way science is being politicised that does not mean there is a conspiracy. Just good sound economics at the expense of everything and everyone eh?

Seems to me that is the most common form of debate on here when you guys find yourself unable to actually show any impacts on wild populations from farms.
CK when will you get it into your head it is not “us guys” who show impacts on wild fish populations. It is dozens of independent researchers and scientists throughout the world. Here are just a few of the documented impacts from BC and other parts of the world, including Norway!

You have a great deal of fear about aquaculture and you feed it with whatever is available, whether it is valid in any way or not.
CK us feed lot opponents are not some ignorant and superstitious people huddled in the dark “in fear”. On the contrary we are concerned because many of us are knowledgeable scientists and read and understand papers like those above and recognise the implications. You indoctrinated believers in your “feed lot religion” try to deny and ignore the evidence or attack those who criticise your industry. Your attacks on Agent and Morton are particularly pathetic and telling and reminiscent of so many “deniers” of the past, as has been pointed out on this forum
And do not muddle your terminology CK. It is not aquaculture we are concerned about in its entirety. Just open net pen feed lots which keep thousands of carnivorous fish in close proximity to each other and with the ability for any and all diseases, antibiotics and chemicals to flow into and interact with the environment in totally uncontrollable ways.

I see it from another angle, and am quite confident that the many examples of actual evidence which counter your speculation and theories show at worst an incredibly small impact from farms.
CK you don’t see it “from another angle” because you are not scientifically qualified to do so! You only speak from the point of view of your utter self interest so please don’t pretend that you have some kind of special insight into what the science is saying because you absolutely don’t!!

If you are unable to see that the graphs and videos show either evidence counter to your argument, or at least context to show where current levels of escapement fit in to the long term trends - well, you're welcome to your opinion.
Just don't call it fact. Or tell me you got there by "science".
Some of your own graphs show the evidence you refuse to see CK!. The Fraser River sockeye returns are clearly falling as shown on the graphs and overall productivity trend is down except for the one “spike’ year of 2010. Including the data all the way back to the turn of the century is ridiculous because the Hells Gate slide in 1913 caused the massive drop in those years and it took many years for the stocks to recover from that. This graph is cynical manipulation of the public perception typical of your industry!

And if I'm going to have some fun posting images which may be humorous to those that share my position - so be it.
Puerile. Completely puerile!!

Business as usual - yes.
And that is an antisocial and selfish attitude CK because the people of the BC bear all the risks and impacts while your industry makes all the profit!

Any pro-farm voice on here gets called a shill, troll, apologist, or sociopath and has their maturity, integrity and cognitive ability questioned.

The same type of names don't flow back the other way because we are all fishermen, naturalists and environmentally minded people too - but we're not hypocrites who are unable to place human activities in their appropriate context given known information.
This one is stunning! This from a person who vilifies Morton and scientists that work with her. This from person who calls into question their motives, their funding sources, their qualifications, ANYTHING to try and denigrate these brave scientists and bring their work into question. You are in fact quite demonstrably a hypocrite! Quite honestly CK the names your industry and you personally have been called are comparatively mild in comparison to the accusations you level and the way you try and lower the tone of the discussion to your standards!
As for being a naturalist and environmentally minded, that is an unbelievable statement after all the posts you have put up here denying the science!

If you can't put a number on the fish aquaculture supposedly harms, it does not mean we are saying, "You can't prove it." (prompting cries of, "That's just what the tobacco lobby said!")

It means that it has not been measured as of yet and all evidence available shows that it is insignificant when compared to the tally racked up by other human activities.
On the contrary CK it has not been proven to you and your industry’s satisfaction. Just like a fundamentalist who refuses to accept evolution, or climate change deniers who ignore and denigrate all the science of global warming, your kind will NEVER be convinced to abandon your-self righteous “faith” as you simply “know” more than all the scientists that have published papers on the impacts of fish feed lots by virtue of the “religious dogma” you adhere to.

You can't whine about your frustration when your answer to why your fears have not been addressed by regulators is that they are colluding with industry and it's all a big conspiracy.
Talk about frustrating.
The regulators are completely constrained and directed by Harper and the Conservative Government. What we observe as “collusion and conspiracy” is a result yet again of a fundamentalist belief they hold. This belief is that all the problems of the world can be taken care of by unrestrained economic growth, privatisation and “free markets”. They want jobs and growth at ANY cost. Why else would they push so hard for tar sands development, for oil pipelines through the BC wilderness and the halibut quota system? From their misguided and myopic economic viewpoint the wild salmon are a nuisance and get in the way of unfettered development. Much easier to count and “manage” fish in pens, just like counting cows in pens is a lot easier than managing wild buffalo.
So yes they collude and conspire. Not particularly in a deliberate attempt to mislead about fish feed lots per se, but merely in their drive to ensure their economic and business agenda is maintained. Jobs and growth at ANY price is their fundamentalist agenda (after all, all those scientists are wrong about global warming as far as Harper is concerned… where have we seen such blind denial before??)

Maybe the rest of the world does not share your perception of risk and is able to see all the elements of the situation and not just the ones that align with your feelings about salmon farms?

You guys get on here and stomp around with your firmly held beliefs thinking because you (have convinced yourself that you) hold the moral high ground that anyone who disagrees is selling out because obviously they wouldn't do what they do if they knew what you knew.

That is a joke.
No CK the joke is you think the “rest of the world” is the issue here. We are NOT talking about the rest of the world, we are talking about informed scientific opinion based on research and facts. You keep talking about “feelings” because that is all your understand. We are talking about facts and those facts are incontrovertible and have been published by many reputable independent journals. The attitude that you continue to deny those facts and denigrate those who publish that information puts you on the lower moral ground CK. We do not have to hold the moral high ground because you put yourself and your industry down there.
And you simply CAN’T know what these published scientists know because you do not have the qualifications to evaluate and criticise the data and findings nor do you have the inclination to educate yourself because your dogmatic self-interest will not allow it.

You may just have to accept the fact that you get what you give, and suck up some jabs put out in response to your pedantic, self-righteous rants.
What hypocrisy! I have just spent some time analysing and refuting YOUR pedantic rant CK. All you ever do is rant and you never answer the published science nor educated posts from people like Agent and Charlie. All you can do is use words like “professor” in a sneering context. To anyone who has any knowledge of the fish feed lot facts and science CK, you are totally not credible and your rants are totally without any intellectual merit at all!!
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