Seals eating juvenile salmon

The Answer:

The House Committee on Natural Resources has passed H.R. 564, the “Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act,” which authorizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to issue one-year permits to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and several tribal groups to lethally take non-endangered sea lions in order to protect endangered and threatened species of salmon.

Nog - Have Gun, Will Travel
May be part of the solution, but will be controversial for sure! A long term approach is to reduce the over fishing of herring stocks which are seals traditional main food source.
May be part of the solution, but will be controversial for sure! A long term approach is to reduce the over fishing of herring stocks which are seals traditional main food source.
Not according to the Aquarium... "Preliminary studies analyzing harbour seal scat (feces) for bones and hard parts, indicate that the majority of their diet consists of small reef or shallow dwelling fishes including rockfishes, greenlings, smelt, perch, and some herring and flatfishes. In the Strait of Georgia, a large component of their diet is hake, a deep-water fish. Seasonally, harbour seals eat salmonids as these fishes enter and leave the rivers. Adult seals typically eat 3-5 kg of food per day. "