Sealed !

Quick trip to crappy tire for some more gear and we got on the water
yesterday about noon.
we hit about 5 springs fishing deep 170-180' at Constance
nice sunny day.
Last pass and we were ready to go ,another fish bites and then
line starts screaming off buddy's reel.
bigger spring ?? No, another seal !!!

Good one craven, we were out on constance for the morning and pulled out before noon when the tide was rippen. One good hit and run but your seal also stole it !

What an awesome day on the water though.
You guys just make sure you keep all of those badly trained seals on YOUR side of the Strait!!!

I always wondered what would happen if you were to take a flashbang and use eletrical tape to stick it to small piece of rebar, then tie that to a wire shower curtain hook, then run that down your line when you hooked up with a seal..... wonder if that would work.....hypothetically speaking of course....
prob blow your line apart. I know a guy who uses bear bangers and the seals ushually dont care even if it blows up beside them. I still use the chase and drop rocks on them method but it rarely works
Seals actually react very noticeably to loud UNDER water noises, likely due to the compression wave. If you were to hang the flashbang/rebar combo on about 3' of mono under the hanger clip you wouldn't have any problems with line/flasher damage.... and it would also make lighting the fuse safer as you could already have the hanger clipped around your main line..... but you'd need to make sure you had a reasonably long fuse.... but if the boat is in gear it would slide down the line very'd also want to make sure that you stored the flashbangs in a lockable watertight red box in a very safe location....again hypothetically speaking as this would cleary be a potentially dangerous practice if done incorrectly.
Nedbarb2; I was saying the same thing until this summer. All the time my buddies would tell me their stories of seal battles and I would shake my head in disbelieve...but then this summer came and I began to have nightmares that a seal would take my derby winning fish.. the derby came and of course a seal took my largest spring that day right beside my boat. Since I was new to this kind of game I couldn't do much else than watch in awe and eventually the line broke. My only consolation was that there were two larger fish in the derby and I wouldn't have won a big prize anyway... The oddest thing of the derby was that the wining fish (30 lbs) was attacked but reclaimed from TWO seals... I couldn't believe the story but a good friend of mine was on board... They (3 guys) fought the fish for about 10 min when the first seal grabbed the fish. Immediately one guy ran the boat after the seal while the guy fighting the fish just kept contact. The third guys was there with a sling shot. After a few minutes the seal had to come up to breathe and a few shots must have landed so it finally had enough and let go. The fish was loose and the guy reeled for the fish's life...but as you may guess, a different seal took a turn, grabbed it just a few feet from the net and took off again. The same game repeated - the seal popped up, got hit several times (Ryan must be a hell of a sniper!) it let go and this time - after 45 minutes the fish was landed. Minor scratches and bitemarks on head and tail but still a beautiful fish. And these guys definitely deserved to win a derby with this story. But what a patiences! True teamwork! After that day, I lost several more springs to seals. Interestingly, this being a pink year, I saw many times seals nearby when I played a pink salmon and they never even looked at the fish... But minutes later when I had a 12- 17 lbs spring on the hook - here we go...Either it is the size that attracts them or they just don't like pink salmon. But I am getting better with the sling shot myself. A few of them may think twice before they come near a boat again...
10lb rocks when they connect will make him let go and you also feel a little bit better after.... They are pretty clever and i figure i keep connecting and eventually K.O one its gonna learn.

Here's a thought: use wire line and leader - when you're sure he's on, quickly grab your TAZER - hold it to the line - and zap the mother-f#%$er.

50,000/volts otta' get his attention.


Yeah, tazers should be available pretty plentyful and cheap soon from the RCMP...Maybe I pick one of them up and try it out on those f$%^&s.

Or I propose to rename our fishing derby into "seal hunt". Would that be fun to see the look on the officers face when a whole derby crowd keeps dragging in dead seals to the cleaning tables? :D:D Anyone interested in participating next year? ;)
quote:Would that be fun to see the look on the officers face when a whole derby crowd keeps dragging in dead seals to the cleaning tables

Now that is a funny visual. The winnner would be the person who brought in the cutests smallest seal pup....ha ha ha ha ha I love it.
I'd chip in for an Orca Hatchery for the East Sooke waters! Why hasn't somebody come up with this idea yet? I should get a patent for this right away....! Orca hatcheries...yup
hatcheries? are mammels arn't they?[8D]
I think someone should invent a device that emits an underwater sound or frequency similar to that of a killer whale.

Catch a fish, get sealed, stay on top of the seal with the boat, submerge the device, turn it on, seal lets go, and you get your fish back. Sounds good to me. Of course its purely hypothetical. Would require a lot of testing.
I know a guy that trolled with a 50ft rope out the back attached to one of those inflatible killer whales. Might be worth trying i bet it works for a bit
quote:Originally posted by kelly

I know a guy that trolled with a 50ft rope out the back attached to one of those inflatible killer whales. Might be worth trying i bet it works for a bit
I've spoken to the people at Cheanuh Marina and they've said that they can legally thin out the seals. They just have to phone the RCMP in advance to let them know that they would be shooting. They haven't done it recently as they are out of ammunition. If someone would drop off some 22 Magnum or 30-06 ammo they would reduce the problem, at least that's what they've said to me.