....score - yehaw!!! Things are looking good.



...just got back from Victoria today - I was down disassembling two huge fully opperational walk-in freezers that we got for a song...our plan is now starting to come into fruition, that is to offer better deals on frozen bait like herring and anchovy as well as bagged fish ice, block and cubed too - also over night quick freezing and another cool deal that we are working on for the shop related to our new walk-in freezers.

The freezers run at a constant 35 degrees below zero...huge short term storge opportunities for anglers...

I am just excited and wanted to share with all of you, some cool new things that are happening besides, all the boaring reno's that we have been doing over the past few weeks to expand the shop to help make Screaming Fish & Fly better for all anglers.

RVP. ;)