Ronna- Rae Leonard gets it!

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
I and the Region BCWF prez Ted Brookman had a chance today to have 15 minutes alone with the North Island NDP candidate ,Ronna-Rae Leonard, prior to Jack Leytons arrival at the Courtenay rally. She has been doing her homework on both the commercial side of the allocation issue and the recreational side. She is quite well versed.
After talking to her, I have no qualms about giving her my vote. Previously she had taken the time to meet with sport fishermen in the Valley and I understand commercial fishermen too. She was quite direct that she feels the allocation issue is poor policy and needs to be fixed. But she also understands that there is room for both the halibut sport and commercial sectors Fair enough.
Ted was hoping that we might get a chance to talk directly to Layton-- but he was an hour late getting to the campaign office, so it was a quick pit stop. Ronna-Rae did accept the info and data sheets on the issue Ted gave her.

We stressed that we were NOT against a viable commercial fishery, but for DFO to give away a public resource was totally unacceptable to sport fishermen. I also talked to her campaign manager and asked if she would make a policy statement about privatizing public resources. He assured me that that is NDP policy, but there wasnt much point for her to issue a statement as the press has been choosing not to cover a lot of statements the candidates put out (press overload).

He did say that the best way to get coverage on our issue is to make very every effort to ask where the candidates stand at the All Candidates meeting. We need to fill the halls for that folks. Lets do it!!!

And if you think the lady doesnt know a halibut rod from a carpet sweeper-- not so!!
Perfect, keep the pressure up. This is a political issue requiring a political solution - bulls eye. I chatted with the NDP candidate for Alberni/Parksville running against Lunney. She totally gets the issue and is on our side.
It is a political issue Pat, but I'll wager that nothing will be done until it becomes a legal issue challenged in court. You and I both know we've already been down the political side of the issues a bunch of times for Thompson river steelhead, Fraser sport fishing opportunities etc etc. What has it successfully accomplished? not much. I predict this issue will need to go to a court challenge before the morons at DFO will even listen.
I've never voted NDP in my life but I think this will be the time (shudder) to do it. There is just no way that I want to see Duncan back in office.
I understand your pessimism finaddict, many of us have experiences with the lack of action our efforts have realized of the type you refer to in your examples. And I do understand why many get jaded combating the bureaucratic nightmare of barriers erected in our path.

That said, I do not agree with your assessment of the present situation. This federal election provides a rather unique opportunity, something we certainly don't enjoy the luxury of in most of our undertakings. And something that we very much can use to get our message across. I very much believe that this time, we can make significant inroads. The removal of a couple of MP's (even better when they are Ministers in the previous Cabinet) from Harper's fold VERY much sends a loud & clear message! And not simply a message to the Conservatives, but to every single person aspiring to hold a political office in this, and future elections. We, The People, are being given the opportunity to speak, and SPEAK we shall! No way in hell they can choose to ignore that without facing further ramifications down the road!

This matter may eventually become an issue for the Courts. Given the related Legislation and Supreme Court Rulings, in all likelihood the Courts will indeed find in our favor. However that will take an enormous amount of time, energy and funding. After all we would be battling those who use our own resources (tax dollars) against us. If it comes down to that, of course I will be in full support. However at this juncture, methinks we have an alternative to explore that is VERY worthwhile, and in fact, may get us a few steps closer to our demand of Fair and Equitable Access for all.

Now is simply not the time to let the jaded atmosphere overcome us! In fact it is now, right now, that we need all the support and involvement we can muster! When enough of us get involved, when the issue is in their faces each and every day, we have a great likelihood of carrying the day. And that my Friend, is VERY much worth pursuing!

Today I posted a thread noting the introduction of the petition related to this very matter. Keep our aspirations alive! Get as many as you can to sign that petition, and hammer each of the candidates with completed Petitions as often as you can! The message can hardly be ignored! We are bloody tired of being jerked around by DFO and whatever politicos supposedly "govern" their actions! And we DEMAND equality when it comes to access to our own resources!!

The link is here:

I'd suggest we get over the battles of the past, loose that jaded feeling, and get on with presenting our case as widely as we can!

Steve, I think Nog said it best. I get frustrated too, but this is a unique opportunity. The politicians will get the message when it appears some of their peers were not re-elected as a direct result of our efforts today to raise public awareness. This too is distinctly different over the Thompson issue. Let's face it, there really isn't enough impact of the Thompson on the general public to make any difference in the political future of any candidate...thus the NO INTEREST response loud and clear from each and every government. Keep the faith man, together we can do it.
We need to get PM Harper to listen to the west and our halibut allocation issues (really clear he has not been listening!)

How do we do this??
The only way I can see is to oust one of his cabinet ministers..Duncan..
That sends a VERY clear message..IMHO
We need to get PM Harper to listen to the west and our halibut allocation issues (really clear he has not been listening!)

How do we do this??
The only way I can see is to oust one of his cabinet ministers..Duncan..
That sends a VERY clear message..IMHO

agreed..look at this as a protest vote.... "IF" there isnt a majority, there will likely be a coalition of Liberal/NDP/and choke,choke,Bloc taking over the house....and we will all be fooked anyways:mad: but at least we'll have a mp making up Government;)
BECAUSE IT WOULD INCLUDE WORKING WITH A PARTY WHOSE SOLE AGENDA IS TO SPLIT UP THIS GREAT COUNTRY!!!! Thought since you did caplocks I'd do it too :D haha And if anyone has read the NDP platform, and to an extent even parts of the Liberal platform, it is certainly scary to think that some of these policies could actually go through should there be a coalition...