replacment motor



Has anyone had any experience with the honda power thruts and how they compare to yammys.Thanks for any feed back
I have a Yamaha 9.9 4 stroke and a Honda 9.9 4 stroke. Guess which one runs and which one doesn't. If you guessed the Yamaha for the runner you win a smiley.:D

Well I just bought a new Honda 8 I am going out today will give an update. I have seen hondas that have lasted more than ten years with thousands of hours. The motor I bought was made in 2006, but is of the previous series with the square case. Which one did you have last chance?
quote:Originally posted by drad2k4

Well I just bought a new Honda 8 I am going out today will give an update. I have seen hondas that have lasted more than ten years with thousands of hours. The motor I bought was made in 2006, but is of the previous series with the square case. Which one did you have last chance?

I had one of the round ones. The throttle tensioner ring on the handle rattled badly, both SG and Honda said to fill the handle with grease. That rattled down teh side of my boat. The tilt lock broke on a regular basis, it was made of pot metal it seemed. It was moody to start, and didn't give anywhere near the "oomph" my 8HP High Thrust yam that I replaced it with. It didn't charge the battery like it was supposed to either.

It went back after about 8 months for a Yam. It never left me stranded or anything, it just wasn't as polished as a $3000 kicker should be.
thanks guys was leaning towards an other yammy.Seems to be the weapon of choice.useing the main to troll is killing me!