questions on Lowrance plotter/finder


Crew Member
Had my HDS7 'disappear' last month and looking to replace. I'd like a plotter at the helm like before so I'll get another Gen2 like I had. I have the wiring and skimmer transducer still in place. Some questions:
  • what's the difference between 83/200 and 50/200 transducers?
  • which is better for salt water inshore fishing?
  • anyone gone from Gen2 to Gen2 Touch? Which did you like better?
  • thinking about a second mount further aft for better viewing whilst trolling. Does Lowrance make a sonar only unit for this position? I could put a smaller, less expensive unit back there.
From my understanding of the transducers, the 50/200 gives you greater depth than the 83/200. I currently have a Lowrance HDI 5 and it uses the 83/200. It works great for all the inside VI areas.

Just my nickels worth since we no longer use cents.