prop selector


Active Member
I have a 21.5 campion explorer approx 3300 lbs with motor no gear or people, 200 hp opti and im looking for a prop. Im looking at the merc stainless mirage plus 17p or revolution 17p. What are you guys running for stainless with similar set up and how do the solas props stand up? Im looking for good holeshot as opposed to pure top end speed.

I would go with the at least 19p with he kind of power you have.. The extra speed would be worth it,, I'm sure it would still have all kinds of power to get out of the hole and crawl any swell...
I have a 21' 200 merc 3300lb and Im running a 17" it needs a bigger pitch revs to hi when full out
The best thing to do is go to a local prop place or merc dealer and try the 2 different types or any other ones 4 or 5 blades the problem with the 4s and 5 blades great for hole shot but not so great for backing up and record your wot(wide open throttle) and all the info and make a decision from there I think the max you want is 5500 rpm dont quote me on that ask a merc dealer for that engine.
mines a 225 opti and thats what it is I run a 17 thats been cupped to an 18 with a bit more rake added to it. It took me trying 6 different props to get to the one I am using now.

Good luck Wolf
I have a 18.5 explorer,loaded it is heavy. I went through many a prop trying to find the right one, I finally ended with the perfect prop and that is a stainless RAKER which has an 18 pitch. Got the gettup and go and also can travel @ 42MPH. Ask your local prop shop .

Hope this helps
I run a 23 pitch revolution on my campion with an inboard and the hole shot is unbelievable ( it pulls me out on a salom ski) with a top end just over 50 mph .but the best thing to do is demo some different ones on your boat to see whats best , everyone is different . good luck .
I agree with the recommendation to try some props out. If you don't have an electronic guage that let's you see real time fuel consumption in liters per hour have them temporarily wire one in while you are doing your tests so you can see where the optimal rpm/speed per litre is with each type of prop. Your prop selection can cost you thousands of dollars in gas over the years....