Price of fuel in Poett Nook


Well-Known Member
Just throwing this out there. I filled up once at Poett Nook during my week at Bamfield. I normally buy fuel at Bamfield, but I was up Poett Nook way and needed fuel and have never been in there so I thought that would be a good reason to go in and check it out. So the posted price was $7.00 per gallon. Now the young guy working there said it was a US gallon. If this is true that works out to $1.85 per litre. If it is a imperial gallon then it works out to 1.54 per litre. I am figuring the young guy must be mistaken because because fuel in Bamfield was going for $1.53/ Litre. Just sayin' if you buy your fuel in Poett Nook it would be interesting to know exactly how that pump is calibrated.
At the time Poett Nook was selling fuel in IMPERIAL GALLONS and if the sign was read correctly it said fuel was $7.00 per/gal or $1.54 per/ltr. As of now they have a new pump that is measured in litres and is currently $1.55 per/liter.