Port Hardy....July 20th


Well-Known Member
Well...only time will tell how much more I can take...I mean this year has started off amazing and I'm sure that it will continue.
Bro, Pops and Hans showed up for three days of pure bliss and some down right hard-core king salmon fishing...
The first up was Pops...game on and his hits the net after a short tussle...second up is Bro....another fish to the net....next is Hans...never caught a salmon before and was he ****ting himself when he latched onto a nice 24lbder.
8fish...19lbs to 30lbs
Not much more to tell except the boys were limited out by 10:30am and started into the cooler shortly after....man I love my job...
Tommorrow it's butt fishing....hope we do O.K....and can someone do something about this rain....I mean really...It's almost August!
