Pedder Bay


Active Member
Fished Pedder yesterday for 4 hours. Got excited quickly because I landed a 7 pound fish on a watermelon spoon (no flasher) at 95 feet within less than 3 minutes. The second rod wasn't even down yet. So...I said to my fishing partner that this should be a great day...we will slay them. How wrong was I? We fished for another 3 hours before we got our next fish, another 7 pounder but this time at 75 feet. Tried all sorts of depths from 75 to 140 but to no avail. About 8-9 other boats were in the general area and we saw the odd fish caught but not many. Kind of a lumpy day so we didn't bother going out to Whirl Bay or beyond.

Anyone else go out yesterday?
Me and yo mama tried the trailer park monday afternoon, very quite also, kept one, released couple of smaller legal ones. Not even any shakers so did they move off?