Our Government hard at work


Active Member
I contacted dfo and told them hundreds and hundreds of businesses up and down the coast are waiting to see what dfo is going to do with our fishing this season! You know what the reply was? Join the mailing list to receive updates! So hotels, boat dealers, restaurants, Tackle shops, manufacturers, distributors, guides, outfitters, etc etc are supposed to join the mailing list for updates. In the mean time, people are getting laid off, businesses are closing. Tourists aren’t booking fishing trips hotels are going empty at critical revenue times of the year. Tackle stores aren’t booking supply orders manufactures are getting their big bookings because everything is up in the air. But dfo can’t announce what’s going on a few weeks early so people can get on with their lives. It baffles the mind that after all the meetings all the rumours all the studies being done and the funding announcements we can’t tell BC whether or not we’re open for business. This lack of professionalism is costing peoples jobs and businesses their future. Make the announcement. It’s time. Don’t tell businesses to join mailing lists for updates we’ve earned better treatment than that
And yet they still can’t write letters are you telling me all these business have less then 700 employees and clients???