Our adventures Today


Active Member
welll, bought a trailer a couple weeks ago from sherwood in vicotria so today we picked it up.. i wish it went as simple as that lol
the boat went down on wednesday to get fitted to the trailer;
i booked a transport guy (VIP [vancouver island professional boat and rv transport]) two weeks in advance. he wrtoe everything down and said we will see you at blah blah on the the day of transport. so wedneday about 4 hours before pick up i call him just to confirm everythign is still a go, and this flippen guy could not remember for his life who i was, where the boat was gonig, basically we didnt even talk to his knowledge. so he goes well its ok im jsut taking my trailer down to be inspected and itll be ready to go in an hour, just call me back then and ill come grab your boat and even if they find problems with my trailer i have other venues to get your boat moved. so an hour rolls around, i call him, no answer. about fifteen phone calls and three hours later! he would not take a single one of my calls to his cell. So he crapped out on us hours before he pencilled us in (literly i talked to him as he wrote the details down) .. sooo the mad phone calls begin to try and find another boat hauler the day of transport from duncan to victoria. no luck from about ten haulers, so i call sherwood to give them my scenario and they give me one last phone number, so icall it and thank god the guy was able to squeeze me in and move his other appointment ahead a few hours for us. so dons boat transport came to the rescue but then another bump, he calls me and says hes stuck in the line up after the car crash around goldstream.. so about three hours later he has the boat on the trailer, and sherwood had someone wait around for the boat and have it blocked up. so thursday the boat is fitted on, and today we went to pick it up at two. We hook up the boat the the trailer, and the lights dont work. great. it turns out when who ever at sherwood installed the extra bunks we ordered, they pinched and stripped the wiring in behind the u-bolts so they quickly replaced that wiring sections and off we went. we pulled up at home, and have been polishing and cleaning and smiling ever since haha
so points of the day
-WOW sherwood has great staff, VERY helpful and accomadating
-Plan anything boating to take much longer than planned
-DO NOT try to rely on VIP transport


over the winter we will be repowering, getting new plastic enclosure, and perfecting the little things. will keep you updated :D
I'd get the guide pipes installed on they make life so much easier at the ramp
Nice rig


Hi Nebarb,just curious what he was going to charge you.I also do the same thing, perhaps we could work out some type of fishing trip or trade.

thanks the runt
im not sure what vip was going to charge the guy never even quoted me..
dons charged 350$ for us,
not bad considering the amount of notice he was given.. and Bo that use to move our boat for us (he then sold his rig to VIP and suggested w go with him :( ) charged 200 to go from duncan industrial park to cowichan bay launch!
noope i bought(well my dad bought) this one about 5 years ago from a buisness friend, that one on tht is still available