
Your trying to say the entire world watching BC on tv for weeks is going to hurt tourism? Your kidding right? The world is big. Not everyone even if they have money have seen what BC is like.

Hey maybe you should try out a "****" sport like that. If you spent half the time you do trolling on the forum working on your skiing and shooting maybe you could be our new olympic hero :D
I personally think we will be paying this thing off with tax payers money for years to come but what can we do about it now nothing we have to take it, but on the plus side it will give us world coverage which cant hurt.

Years ago took a USA client(louisiana) out a for halibut off of Vic, we were anchored with WASHINGTON STATE on my left he proceede to tell me that was the ROCKIES I said no thats the olympic mountain range"never heard of it" he said he insisted it was the rockies then we turned in the current so now the montains are off of my right side "so that must be the rockies" he says!!!!Again I said no thats the same range and proceeded to tell him the rockies are a VERY VERY long way away and impossable to see.

That is the USA thats Washington STATE!!!! he then tells me to stop BSing him as there is no such thing as "Washington state theres only a washington D.C. I couldnt win he was right and I was wrong period and he was getting mad at me.

So any coverage that gets people "EDUCATED" on CANADA cant hurt as Im sure some of them to the south think we live in igloos as well.

Just look at that logo they picked sort of looks like gumby on roids it has nothing to do with Vancover what so ever doesnt even represent what Van. is about WHAT WERE THEY THINKING :(:( when they designed that thing??????no wonder the world thinks we live in ice houses and kill our own food to live.

The financial side of the games is a debate that is hard to win as the overall impact will be over the long term, as with Expo in Vancouver. I think the main problem is timing...the recession is making this big money event less appealing. This money could have been spent locally to help people through these times. In fairness no one could have predicted we would be in this current situation 10 years ago when we started competing to host the games. There will be positive spin off coming from hosting the games. Most outside of Vancouver will not see it during the 2 weeks of events but in the years following as people come back to explore the area more. (and then tell their friends too) Its not all bad!
quote:Originally posted by kelly

Your (sic) trying to say the entire world watching BC on tv for weeks is going to hurt tourism? Your kidding right? The world is big. Not everyone even if they have money have seen what BC is like.
Kelly-you've never seen the world, exactly how many countries have you travelled/lived/worked in anyway?

Because I have all kinds of International experience and apart from the USA no one in any of those places cares about the Winter Olympics, it won't be on TV in Uruguay or Uganda but a bit in Uzbekistan.

Peru, the Philippines, Guatemala, Fiji, no one there has ever heard of the frozen side show you long so deeply for.

I could go on and on and on but you have Google Maps why not take the time to educate yourself?

quote:Originally posted by kelly

Hey maybe you should try out a "****" sport like that. If you spent half the time you do trolling on the forum working on your skiing and shooting maybe you could be our new olympic hero
Maybe you should grow up a little and stop making unfounded accusations against someone who's posted here since you were in primary school.

K, I've probably been to more places than almost anyone on this forum and I can say that in the long run it will have a large effect on tourism. European countries have a hugeee passion for the winter olympics, and that is where BC gets most of its tourism to boot. Watching the olympics in Sydney was a big factor in why my family ended up going to Australia. The financial implications of the games are huge. The difference between Calgary, Montreal and Vancovuer is that Vancouver is actually about a million times prettier and more scenic than the other two, and I know that will come through and people will see that and in the long run it will have a major effect to the positive...short term obviously not the best effect.

Andddd I will say that Dogbreath is not a troll...however, in fairnesss Kelly is real passionate about this being a potential olympian and all. My cousin is in the same boat as Kelly, he decided to try out for the canadian bobsled team (never even touched a bobsled before but was a running back for Waterloo) and made the 2nd team :D Crazinessss.


Dogbreath you have no idea where i have been? Small countries like you named will see the games.I was in serbia this summer and they are not all living in caves in smaller european countries.Like serengeti said it will boost tourism without a doubt.

Serengeti making second team in that is easy haha but the top guys are actually pretty ipressive. I lifted with them and they are nuts. There are some smaller sports that are obviously easier to make than others.
Our biggest (traditional) tourism partner is the USA. They are passionate about winning medals and will be watching. I bet over half of them have never been to Canada before. If the games get 10% of those people to make a trip north in the coming years, that will be positive.
The countries you named wouldn`t be going to visit any of the countries hosting the summer olympics either as most of them are third world countries who`s citizens will probably never be able to afford to even leave their neighbourhoods little own travel to foreign countries.
In many European countries, the winter olympics are followed closer than the summer olympics.
The easiest thing in the world is to second guess other peoples decisions and as previously stated, if the economy was as strong today as it was when the effort was set forth to procure the games, there would be a lot less opposition now.
Their coming,period.
The best thing any of us can do is accept that they are coming and try and focus on the positive side.
The city of Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the province of British Columbia has some of the prettiest and most scenic country in the world and the more exposure it gets, the more people will want to see it first hand !!
Every dollar that is generated by the olympics will be taxed. Maybe we would better serve to put our efforts into making sure these tax dollars go where they are most needed.
Imagine how much booze , cigarette , gas,hotel, restaurant etc, taxes alone will be generated from visitors not to mention the taxes on wages paid by all the additional staff that will be required by the hospitality industry. All the taxes end up in the provincial coffers for the benefit of the whole province. And that`s just the immediate benefits.
On another subject, did you know that more people are killed by coconuts than by sharks.;)
Anyone who is in support of the games should go down to their local elementary school and volunteer for a day. Then they might see how bad the school funding has been cut back. My wife is an Educational Assistant in the Cowichan Valley working with special needs kids. Last year they had six full time EA's, this year they have 2, with a heavier workload. There's parents down there that can't get help for their kids.

Also, you have to love the spiel on the news about the new Anti-Doping lab just set up in Vancouver. Eight million for lab and another 7.5 million to staff it. All in the name of "honest" sport and competition.
Don't get me started on where money is spent and not spent. Instead of picking on athletes who might actually contribute to a better society...pick the government apart on funds for drug addicts and the like. I know all the reasons why they want safe injection sites...but that is still money that could go to support kids/people who deserve it more!!! Money for drug addicts and those (sane people) who choose to live on the streets should be at the very bottom of request list. There is more than enough tax` money in this country to support most worthwhile causes including hosting the Olympics once every 20 years. We are just spending to much on other things we should do without! Oh by the way I see the "FastCats" left for the United Emerites this summer! Hint, hint, wink, wink, say no more, say no more! lol
I would like to quantify my previous rant a little.
I don't think the Olympics are stupid and I admire athletes like Kelly and their dedication to their dreams and their sport, especially the truly committed non-pros who all to often drive themselves into poverty sacrificing to reach the podium.

What I have a huge beef with is the ridiculous "look at my country/province/town...oh and we have athletes too" bullsh*t deficit-creating monster that the games have become. The proposed price tag was hard enough to swallow, and is no where near what it's up to now and likely a fraction of the final tally. The VanOc website doesn't even tell you what the Version 1 budget was anymore. I can tell you I would be lynched and have to find a new career path if my budgeting skills were even slightly as horrendous as the people who are doing this job. Hell, just the security went from the original $175 mill to an estimated $900 mil.
The unfortunate reality is that this is what the olympic games are now. It's like the freaking Calgary Stampede: once an agricultural fair and showcase for farmers and cow-punchers, now a concert venue drunk-fest that inspires every corporate tool to buy a 10 gallon hat. In this case though we say "with glowing hearts" and show pictures of bobsledders and Biathaletes while the construction companies and land developers rake in the coin. It's revolting but inevitable I suppose.

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
Anybody going protestin' in Victoria tomorrow? It has been a long time since I participated in a public rally. But if I can make the time (which is doubtful) I will be out in protest tomorrow.
While the VANOC big wigs pat each others backs and announce their million dollar bonouses I have been notified I cant fly from Jan 28 thru March cause my plane is a threat to security. Seeing as I fly and teach flying for a living, me and many others will be unable to earn a living. The government and VANOC refused compensation to us and many small operators in the lower mainland area. So I guess I will tell the kiddies to enjoy watching the Olympics on the TV cause there is no money to do anything else! Maybe that was their plan!!!
I'm gonna have to cancel my cablevision in the new year, to get ready for the increase in the cost of living. Not going to be able to watch olympics on T.V. Oh well - so be it! Hey maybe when the H.S.T. takes effect GORDO can give himself and his pals another F*%@K^@%G raise!!

... Are fishermen all liars?
Or do only liars fish?
quote:Originally posted by Steelhead S2

Anybody going protestin' in Victoria tomorrow? It has been a long time since I participated in a public rally. But if I can make the time (which is doubtful) I will be out in protest tomorrow.

Where you part of the mob that prevented people from running the torch, including the boy with cerabral paulsy? If so shame on you!


Fill the dam tub!
No way!! Couldn't be bothered to be caught up in that nonsence!!! Let them have their party, pat each-other on the back and say what a great job they did. Then they can hand out the bonus's right after they watch the gold metal hockey game from their private box. I hope we win gold- - can't wait to read about it in the paper.

... Are fishermen all liars?
Or do only liars fish?
Nope, I didn't make it out protesting. But thanks for the precautionary shame just the same Lifter.

I have mixed feelings about the protest. When I heard they disrupted the parade I was kind of pleased. When I heard that kid in the radio this morning I felt really bad for him, and I am glad he got to run in Nanaimo. Ultimately, my feelings are mixed. I don't care about the olimpics in general, and I think is a colossal waste of money to bring them here. Nore do I have any love for Cocacola Ltd. But I have nothing but admiration for the athletes, and I wish ours all the best.

As for protests, I would not have been involved with those who crossed the line and did civil disobedience. While I believe that civil disobedience may sometimes be justified, a silly parade about a game is not such a circumstance. Petitions, pickets, signs, and maybe a little chanting is about as far as I would take it for anything likely to arise in Canada in the foreseeable future.

Thanks for asking.