Oh gee -- Election? Time to backtrack....

It takes their head on the block so to speak before they give in. I think these letters are working. Let's keep up the pressure.
Wasnt permanant LOL what a joke!!!When DFO (THE CLOWNS) implement something they have a hard time going back becaise in there minds they are right...... Randy Kemp was and is for commies only and he had strong opinoins on it in meetings with another MP breathing down his neck.

Fact is SFAB worked with DFO and THEY Simply pushed us ALL aside and said F@#K YOU we are going to this. ALL the lettters and all the heat we sent a VERY strong message as canadians to ottawa and they turned there back to us PLAIN AND SIMPLE WHY to protect there inside interests from slipper skippers not us the average JOE...

WELL now because its FRESH and pissed off a lot of B.C. and many others from our neighboring provinces now we can VOTE these idiots out, KEMP,DUNCAN and any other conservative I hope you enjoyed your time because I really hope all BC kicks there a$$es to the curb. I personally will not VOTE for them and strongly urge you all not to as well.

Ok, after having several debates with avid ndp and liberal supporters today, I'm not sure how I'm going to vote once again...some of these people are right out to lunch on issues like the economy and it scares me straight when i come to think what their parties will be like...ugh...not sure what to do. Also, none of you guys on here either, as I've seen many of your arguments and at least you recognize faults in your parties and can have a civil talk without saying harper is gonna turn canada into a dictatorship and privatize health care etc etc etc
British Columbians need to know that the decision to keep working on a permanent solution was due, in large part, to the input from Conservative MPs who understand the value and significance of the Pacific halibut fishery to our province.
We "know" what kind of input Duncan put into the mix. Is he going to start backpeddaling now too? Has he counted up the votes in his head that he stands to loose by not being on side with the Sport Fishing Sector, or at the very least just listening to us and hearing us out. He has failed completely at his job and he is Fawked and has to go.
Actually an intelligent dictator would be a better choice than what we are currently facing. At least a dictator can cut through red tape BS and do what needs to be done with force if necessary.
Actually an intelligent dictator would be a better choice than what we are currently facing. At least a dictator can cut through red tape BS and do what needs to be done with force if necessary.

Most of the herd have no idea how they have been manipulated by the Lib/NDP "nanny state" mentality and "free lunch" rhetoric.
A sad truism that the majority of humans are better off under a benevolent dictator.