Oh Canada

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The Chinese may have their foot in the door but they are having a hard time moving the American foot as it blocks most of the door.

How much US involvement is up there Gunsmith? My understanding is they started the whole thing?
Hard to track all of it but Exxon is in deep and the big push is to get it out with the minimum expense and upgrade and move it through to the south where it is processed at a cheaper rate and generally sold back to us at a premium. We are getting screwed over it and I believe that we should be doing it at a rate that is not so wasteful. The biggest push is to get it out of here and to somewhere else.They are doing the same with the coal but they are in a rush to get it to China and the best route is through Canada.
Reelfast, most of us who care up here are well aware of the issues WE are facing. What we don't need, or appreciate, is southern folks like you coming on here telling us what to do. Tell you what, you stick to the problems on your side of the border and we'll stick to the problems on our side. Seems to me you've got a whole lot to worry about in your own back yard without having to come up here and worry about our problems. How about that crumbling Hanford Nuclear plant, for example---how you gonna fix that one??
Hard to track all of it but Exxon is in deep and the big push is to get it out with the minimum expense and upgrade and move it through to the south where it is processed at a cheaper rate and generally sold back to us at a premium. We are getting screwed over it and I believe that we should be doing it at a rate that is not so wasteful. The biggest push is to get it out of here and to somewhere else.They are doing the same with the coal but they are in a rush to get it to China and the best route is through Canada.

Yup. Just what I thought....................."I really get sick and tired of our country being taken advantage of for pure profit by others" - Reelfast July 2, 3013.
If a trail was shown a lot of the tentacles are somehow connected to our southern neighbor.
BC has a similar issue with the timber, they want the raw material so it can be processed at a cheaper rate somewhere else. Track where some of those tentacles come from, same with the beef producers. they are left with little choice but ship it at a loss due to control of the processing.
BC has a similar issue with the timber, they want the raw material so it can be processed at a cheaper rate somewhere else. Track where some of those tentacles come from, same with the beef producers. they are left with little choice but ship it at a loss due to control of the processing.

Some other great examples of why I laughed so hard at reelfast's comment.
yes, Harry Truman had a tough call to make. hundred of thousands of US military had lost their lives in the Pacific theatre. the prospect was for hundreds of thousands of additional lives to be lost. I can't say I envy that president or that decision. do you read the history of WWII, especially the pacific theatre???? my dad was out there defending the free world, including your interests high tide. I might suggest the book 'Unbroken' for a vivid look at what was going on with this part of the world war. once you read that, come back and kick some more sand.

Actually America and Japan were negotiating terms of surrender before either bomb was dropped, the main hold-up being how to deal with the Japanese Emperor as he was considered a "god" by the Japanese.
There was never going to be a massive invasion of Japan by America with thousands/millions more casualties at all, but it made for a good reason and so was used as justification for nuking Japan.

The real reason lies simply in the fact that America was well aware of what Russia represented for the future post WWII era and in order to establish a geo-political point to Russia it was deemed ok to show some power and determination.
In addition, the American Congress was hot to know what all the money spent on this Manhatten Project was being spent on so there was a lot of pressure to demonstrate a result.
Note how quickly they used it after testing and also when Russia formally declared war on Japan.
Using those bombs established what we know as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction, the situation that dominated the Cold War years.

Read a book called Rogue Nation by someone whose name I can't recall for sources and stuff.

Take care

back on topic, alternative energy sources are the only solution we have to reduce the overall carbon footprint we are stamping on the earth. the governors of WA and OR are up to their political eyeballs trying to stop the coal trains from entering these two states. it is in the news frequently and the political struggle often becomes front page headlines. the citizens of the US are not afraid of this debate and certainly recognize the ecological impact our country is making on the world wide stage.

1,000 stream and river crossings with a pipeline that is going to leak seems like a pretty big problem that needs the light of day. and yes, Canada wants to take advantage of a cheap route for another pipeline right through the heartland of the US for sheer profit to your government and the rapists in Alberta. sneer all you want but that is the bottom line here.

not facing up to your impact on the world stage seems the norm for you folks. probably a good reason the net pens have continued to advance and the boreal forests have been destroyed, never to return. deny your role on the world stage is not such a great response from you posters. instead blame the US for everything that is wrong in the world seems an easy way out of your responsibilities.

perhaps you will wake up some day to actually see what you have allowed to be destroyed on your watch.
So what's this about, admitting we have a problem or roasting our friends down south for pointing it out?
For me I think we have lost focus on the problem because of all those rosy TV commercials.
Time to talk about the issues.
Sometimes when a fight is going on at home and there is no success in sorting it out it becomes more interesting to go point out a neighbor's faults. :)
so is it nationalism or jingoism??? seems you folks are displaying both, some at the same time. there was a time when I was envious of your way of life, your caring for the environment and your openness in discussing world issues. I am no longer envious! you have displayed your character on this thread as well as the Alex Morton thread.

we run the fox to ground in that thread and the response, its your problem buckoh. really!!!! the question is whether of not CFIA is actually certifying your product as pesticide free before shipment. you apparently don't want to know, don't care or are not interested in opening a new front in the skirmish against net pens. want to know why Alex has not succeeded?? get up, go look in the mirror.

your country and the conservatives are giving our tea party a run for stupid and you sit there and deny anything is wrong and refuse to discuss it in any reasoned manner. good for you. soon you will reap what you are sowing right now and if you are at all curious about the result, take a look south of your imperial attitude.

if you sink your ship of state, you certainly will have participated. and guess what, it will be your fault. now go read that article and you will see that your government has already sold two companies to the Chinese. want to blame that on the good old US, fine with me.

p.s. I read the article and posted the link. if you folks are celebrating something or another up there good for you, I am unaware of what that may be. don't give yourselves too much credit thinking a guy like is paying attention to your celebrations, they are about as meaningful as our are to you.
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p.s. I read the article and posted the link. if you folks are celebrating something or another up there good for you, I am unaware of what that may be. don't give yourselves too much credit thinking a guy like is paying attention to your celebrations, they are about as meaningful as our are to you.

you make a thead with the title "oh Canada" on Canada day and then pretend like it was merely a coincidence? You're a coward.
Geez, I joined this site for fishing.....It seems to be headed in another direction............again. Wish we'd put this much energy into sharing ideas on how to catch fish....
Ya well speaking of devoted energy maybe its time to ask some Fair Questions about the hundreds of millions of dollars americans are sneaking into canadian charities to de-market canadian products that either compete with american products or americans want to buy for less or keep for themselves.

Many related articles in the right hand column of this page:
Another year older... Birthdays, sometimes it's a good time to reflect on your accomplishments as well as your goals.
I'm not happy with the direction our country is heading.
This thread is going nowhere...and the section is for Conservation and Fisheries related political issues. This thread belongs on a different forum.
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