oak bay halibut



what should i be looking for halibut spots in the oak bay area....i havent fished passed east constance...all i know is tide windows are typically short...should i be fishing deep?
There was 8 boats anchored of the east side of the Flats in about
200-250' of water.
When i came in the creel person said one boat had a 35 and a 25
another had an 80 and a 75.

Ebb was pretty hard this morning, need 2 lbs to keep the gear down.
if you went straight out at mayor channel would that be considered the flats...or farther east
Boats i saw were further east, but that doesn't mean anything...
On derby day i've seen boats anchored from Oakbay all the way
to Constance bank.
What happened to the other thread oakbay hali? Did I miss some[:0]thing today?
Maiden hali mission in my boat today at Oak Bay Flats. More feeling it out than anything (my excuse for getting skunked). Got back safe, no significant damage!

I didn't anchor, just drifted and backtrolled when the current got up a bit. We weren't deep enough, stuck in the 150-180', sounds like the fish were deeper...and probably needed to be at anchor. But was it ever glassy out there! Beautiful morning on the water.

Lost a couple of rigs on the rocks on the east side of Discovery...oh yeah, not quite skunked, caught a decent size ling that we threw back.

At 200' and deeper, those freighters seemed awfully close. Looked like the boats at anchor were right in the lane? Or maybe just an optical illusion?

Anyways, wanted to say thanks for the "tips" on the prior thread, the starting point is appreciated.
No, we launched about 6:30 at Cattle Point, back in about 11:30, blue top Campion.

Free launch...that's pretty damned civilized. Sooke could sure use something like that!

Just remembered another beginner moment other newbies might find helpful and you old hands can laugh at....when we caught up in the rocks in the current off Discovery, eventually we decided to cleat off the line and pull, like I've seen my charter buddy do off swiftsure. Worked great the first time, line broke right at the bottom, so lost no line.

Second time, forgot the turned over bind for the top, and when current grabbed us the line started zinging off the reel, boat turned slightly and it wrapped on boat corner, started burning through the gel coat (smoking). Quickly cut the line, but not quick enough, got a nice little scar on my shiny boat to remember the day! [B)] Works better on a welded aluminum boat I think...
?????????????? dont get that way your talkn dont you run a separate spring line then scotsman???
We weren't at anchor, just driftfishing and backtrolling. So, the gear lost wasn't an anchor and line, just tackle and fishing line. No great loss!

But the lesson learned, was that when things go wrong, sure happens fast. I'm already paranoid about learning anchoring in current, and that intensifies it...all those stories on here about twisting into anchor line, wrap around motor leg, and down you go in seconds. Yikes! A lot of power in that current.
Ok I see !!!!do you run a light line from your 2 lb weight to your spreader bar??? If not I use 40 lb test to the weight to the spreader bar, so if you run 14 inch leaders use at least 20 inches od line to your weight so you hooks wont hang up you may lose a few more 2 lbers but you will save your hooks,hootchies,spreaderbar, and main line.

As for anchoring to practice try somewhere where the current isnt really strong or get someone who has done it MANY TIMES to take you out.

You are right about how fast the current can rip last couple days ago was getting ready to leave as the current was getting to strong when these fellow came out threw all the stuff over and he had a small scotsman said to my clients "WATCH THIS" scotsman went completly under and there the guy was standing on the bow thinking I bet WTF could tell he was getting real panicy!!!!!!!!watched him cut his rope and head back home guess he was that scared!!!!he didnt have a spring line or nothing just did it from the bow of his boat from the top cleat.
Really learn how a current table works is the best advice.

Good luck Wolf
good advice, as someone who just started anchoring last year its can be pretty sketchy seeing that big scotsman dip under the first few times.

Yes I did lose my first anchor setup the first day I was out [B)]
wow... lots of scary anchor stories.

sounds like getting shown first hand is probably a good bet.

does anyone actually just fish halibut back trolling?

i know when the current is ripping it'd be really tough, but up north thats the only way we ever did it. slack was always the best time to catch a hali anyways...

is this issue that you wanna stick on one spot for an hour or more here in vic? we generally picked up and moved after 15-20 minutes if we weren't drifting at a nice slow pace...
I tried to drift and fish for halibut few times in Victoria area. It wasn't successful. Most people did very well anchoring and catching halibut. But up in the north coast that I went last year, no anchoring required, picked up few halibut without anchoring...just drifting.

Off Ucelelet and Bamfield, I heard people do well by trolling for halibut without anchoring.
Hallys don't always bite best at slack in fact i get way more fish after most people leave to go in because the tide is to fast. shhhhhh don't tell anybody.lol
Nothing beats the instant ebb at East Race, now thats anchoring practice:D A few could attest to this. There are only a handful of local guys who are dialed in on it. Big Red Balloon, Banana man and Bennie invented this stuff. They can tell some goood stories and i have more than a few of my own. 15 years ago no one usually anchored up, my Dad used to tie to the can at West Race and hand line. By noon there would be 4 boats tied in a row. Some may remember doing this.

Nothing will pucker you once you really figure out the Race, wich can only be done by experience and sound judgment, based on tidal predictions, it's definatley a prediction there. Wrap your anchor chain around a few pinnicles unwind the other way hook another one. that's fun, nothing will make you pucker up once you dial in there. Yes i have a few anchors down there, none in the last two years though:D
Yup your bang on there Justin.Ben showed me so much when it comes to anchoring off the race.It's no place for beginers,i to have lost many set ups there in the early days and have almost flipped a couple of times before the whole float and puller set up.

But saying that the Race has the biggest average size fish around our area.