Norwegians Concede a Role in Chilean Salmon Virus

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Finally they are admitting to some of their despicable actions. (thanks for this link Ribwart)

How long till they are forced to admit it for the BC Coast? :mad: We need to turn the pressure up on these lice farms and the Fed and Prov Govt. The time is ripe for letters to politicians and companies, organized protests and press releases to work towards stopping the damage to our coast before it is too late!!!
Get used to this, as this is the way they work:

“insufficient evidence”

“The study “does not confirm”
Get used to this, as this is the way they work:

“insufficient evidence”

“The study “does not confirm”

Roger that!!! Same old excuses, same old bait and switch divide and conquer tactics...problem is Canadian public falls for it every time.
Please don't confuse the "Canadian public" with the Canadian government. I think the public knows exactly what is going on but seem to have no power to influence the government who demonstrate that the profits of foreign owned corporations are more important than the rights of their citizens.
I would highly reccomend every Canadian read those transcripts and information provided on the 'Cohen Commission' website! It appears Canada knows exactly what is going on and has for YEARS!

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blast on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us.” —Walt Kelly, June 1953

Corporations and governments provide information "they" want known! Canada and U.S., no exception. You decide if there any parallels in the following, envolving and an industry and government(s)? FYI... TCDD was also produced in Canada, along with other countries primarly by Monsanto and Dow:

Monsanto sued, along with Dow and other chemical companies for side effects of its Agent Orange defoliant, used by the US military in the Vietnam War. Don't think the industry and U.S. knew? Read on!

Monsanto defendant in the longest civil jury trial in U.S. history, Kemner v. Monsanto. Case ran from February 1984 through October 1987. Plaintiffs claimed to have been poisoned by dioxin in 1979 chemical spill, occurred in Sturgeon, Missouri.

2004, Switzerland's Syngenta, launched lawsuit charging Monsanto with using coercive tactics to monopolize markets.

DOJ filed Deferred Prosecution Agreement in which Monsanto admitted violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (15 U.S.C. § 78dd-1) and making false entries into its books and records (15 U.S.C § 78m(b)(2) & (5)).

2006, France, ordered directors of Monsanto subsidiary Asgrow to pay a €15,000 fine related to their knowledge of the presence of unauthorized GMOs in bags of seeds imported.

2010 Monsanto GMO sugarbeets destroyed. ...plantings of genetically modified sugar beets developed by Monsanto Co after ruling previously the U.S. Agriculture Department illegally approved the biotech crop.

Best selling products; DDT, PCBs, Dioxins, (ALL still produced in undeveloped countries. "My" favorite, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) = Personal experience there - Extremely versatile poison. Behaves like sex hormone (estrogen), one of the most fundamental chemicals regulating life. Sneaks past the body's defenses; plugs itself into receptor slots the body uses for hormones. Goes to work damaging immune system, reproductive system and scrambles DNA, waging a campaign of biological disinformation. Immune collapse, birth defects, multigenerational cancers, and many other illnesses are the result.

You don't think the industry (and Canada) knows exactly what is going on - look for the parallels? Monsanto knew this in 1949! 1951 they advised (in memo) to U.S. Army (government) chemicals provided for testing contained "toxins," more specifically they left out-"TCDD." U.S. Air Force (government) confirmed in 1965, and the government continued to use it - and, on "US"! Here is information disclosed in the Kemmer vs Monsanto trail. ... I guess the only thing I can say, to me this is - Déjà vu!

"Why did Monsanto lie and fail to notify the world about the dioxin in [its] chlorophenols?" "Monsanto knew that its chlorophenols would be less marketable if customers learned about the dioxin content. Monsanto's James Wilson testified that it was profitable for Monsanto to not notify its customers."

"Phocion Park testified that sales could be affected if customers thought there could be adverse health effects from the products. Park testified that Monsanto knew that its business could be hurt if its customers learned that dioxin was in Monsanto's products. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1326 is a March 9, 1989 Edwards to Wilson memo about TCDD in Monsanto's chlorophenols as being of 'very high importance' to the continuation of business. Monsanto worried that Lehn and Fink [then makers of Lysol] would quit purchasing Santophen if notified, so Lehn and Fink was not notified. Park's testimony on the cost of ceasing production shows clearly why Monsanto kept its dioxin a secret."

But as the years passed and the facts emerged, it was not easy to keep these problems quiet. To maintain the illusion and keep business going, Monsanto had to resort to creating false "scientific evidence" about the safety of dioxin. At the time, the company was facing lawsuits from Vietnam veterans, as well as dealing with the bad press Love Canal disaster in Niagara Falls, NY, and the world was witnessing the total evacuation of Times Beach, Missouri, all of which disasters involved dioxin contamination and scandals.

"Probably the most appalling feature of this story is Monsanto's efforts to convince the world that dioxin is harmless and Monsanto did, in fact, produce 'research' to defend its position that dioxin is harmless. In 1949 there occurred a 2,4,5-T explosion in the Nitro, West Virginia plant [2,4,5-T is another herbicide, a chlorinated chemical that comprised 50% of the defoliant Agent Orange. It has since been banned by the government]. As a result, many of the plant workers were exposed to the 2,4,5-T and its dioxin contaminants. These workers were studied by Monsanto and the results of these studies were published by Monsanto and accepted as valid by the world."

"The record, however, shows a deliberate course of conduct designed to convince its employees and the world at large that dioxin is harmless and that even large doses of dioxin cause only chloracne ('something similar to teenage acne', according to Monsanto's press releases) aside from some minor initial reversible health effects. The 'research' studies prove these bald-faced lies were created by Monsanto's agents and employees and published in the world's literature without any refutation until this case was tried. All of the data, until released to the plaintiffs during the discovery process, had been under Monsanto's exclusive control and never released to the world."

"Through my journalism in the past seven years, I have carefully reviewed and published articles about the documentation of these health effect studies, particularly the example given next."

"During the course of this trial," Carr writes in the Kemner Brief, "these salient and deeply disturbing facts about the health effects of dioxin surfaced:

"Zack and Gaffey, two Monsanto employees, published a mortality study purporting to compare the cancer death rate amongst the Nitro workers who were exposed to dioxin in the 1949 explosion with the cancer death rate of unexposed workers. The published study concluded that the death rate of the exposed worker was exactly the same as the unexposed worker. However, Zack and Gaffey deliberately and knowingly omitted 5 deaths from the exposed group and took 4 workers who had been exposed and put these workers in the unexposed group, serving, of course, to decrease the death rate in the exposed group and increase the death rate in the unexposed group.

"The exposed group, in fact, had 18 cancer deaths instead of the reported 9 deaths, with the result that the death rate in the exposed group was 65% higher than expected. Consider what the medical community would believe about dioxin, if these facts were known outside the confines of this case!! The plaintiffs, in cross examining the medical director of Monsanto, Dr. Roush, clearly established the fraud that took place. The cross examination not only revealed that the overall death rate from cancer was 65% greater in the exposed population than expected, but that the death rate from lung cancer was 143% higher than expected, the bladder cancer death rate was 809% higher and the lymphatic cancer death rate was 92% higher. Death from heart disease was 37% higher than expected." [Heart disease often kills dioxin exposure victims before cancer has a chance to.]

These are not the only examples of Monsanto's manipulation of "science" and publishing their made-up findings in the world medical literature. Testimony and evidence about the manipulation of cancer studies of PCBs and other products has been garnered in several lawsuits, which was used to forestall the banning of PCBs by the government. And a Monsanto employee, Paul L. Wright, went to federal prison for mail and wire fraud because of his conduct involving a safety testing service used by Monsanto to certify its products, called Industrial Bio-Test labs in Illinois. Evidence clearly indicates that cancer studies were rewritten and submitted to the government to give the appearance that chemicals were safe when they really were very dangerous [this story is told in Conspiracy of Silence, originally published in Sierra magazine, by Eric Francis].

So, now we can consider Monsanto's "life sciences" -- genetic engineering -- in a whole new light. It may be difficult, because we tend to have a very high opinion of science in our culture. When we think of scientists, we usually imagine idealistic people working hard in pursuit of pure knowledge, for the betterment of humanity. We think of the honest men and women who give their lives to research to cure the world's ills. Names like Jonas Salk, Margaret Mead and Rachel Carson come to mind.

Yet as corporate science, driven by profits and a spirit of conquering and plundering, enters the next age of humanity, we have an important question to meditate on. Monsanto is striving to dominate the food industry, making the entire world dependent on its crops with tampered DNA. Do we really want to leave the fate of life on Earth in its hands? ++

Solid company there, lots of scientist, providing many studies, and reports. As Paul Harvey used to say, "and now you know the rest of the story"... Good luck my friends!
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Hey Clipper, if the Canadian public were just a little more informed and cared for their resource and economic future they would be demanding answers from politicians and making this issue a hot button topic. Governments only respond to the fear of what might happen to them on the next election. The Canadian public are largely asleep. Very few people actually know or care about what is going on. If they did, we would have salmon farms moved onto dry land. Think about it.