Nootka Sound Resort follows in Moutcha Bay's Wake

I say it again this is total BS and is the thin edge of the wedge to eventually turn our west coast fisheries into the sad mess they have on the east coast! I say we must resist this and fight as hard as we can against this flawed and dangerous experimental hailbut quota program! If this is allowed to succeed, then rest assured that DFO and the Harper govt. will spread it to other fisheries for the sole benefit of large, corporate interests.

There is NO excuse for selling out our right and access to our common property fisheries resources to corporations that will just sell to the highest bidder. These lodges should be ashamed of themselves and I will not recommend them to anyone and hope others boycott them as well! :mad:

Problem is this won't do anything...maybe 10% of their guests are from lower mainland BC or are even in the loop with how bad this program is...AT MOST. They are catering to Albertans and US folk, not really BC. Even for us about 15% are from BC , with majority from Alberta and 15-20% from US. I'm sure they will pick up more business from this than lose due to angry sportsfishermen who have their own boats unfortunately.
The changes adopted this year couldn't have worked out better for the lodges. Longer season based on the local fishermen having weight and number restrictions imposed on them plus the ability to sell larger fish to their clients, win, win. In other words the average guy has sacrificed his fishing so lodges don't have a shortened season and the lodge have bought their way out of those sacrifices.
Don't know if we were ever working together or simply being used?
The changes adopted this year couldn't have worked out better for the lodges. Longer season based on the local fishermen having weight and number restrictions imposed on them plus the ability to sell larger fish to their clients, win, win. In other words the average guy has sacrificed his fishing so lodges don't have a shortened season and the lodge have bought their way out of those sacrifices.
Don't know if we were ever working together or simply being used?

no disrespect meant, but your just waking up to this? Ever hear the term thrown under the bus?
Serengeti is right we can't do anything...only thing we all can hope is that there is heavy discussion this winter with all groups with this halibut allocation situations to find better solutions. I know for a fact those groups are working behind the scenes, and there a very steep fight ahead of us. I know why this and many other lodges did it to survive. This is a setback, and we need as a collective group to obtain more quota....And that fight will have to be made by lobbying in Ottawa......

It really sucks that this is happening, but if we had more fish this wouldn't have happened.... It's disappointing for our community, but businesses sometimes make tough choices to survive unfortunately. The economic impact of the restrictions is substantial as many of you know, and at the end of the day you have to do what makes sense to remain profitable as a business. BTW I am not in one way supporting this at all.

Personally I thought I wouldn't see the day. Quite honestly I am sure the business isn't proud to do this in the least, and the backlash from the community will be well heard....

I hope next year we can get more fish, so that we don't have to see more of this. Just very disappointing news mostly that it has gotten to this point....

This is exactly the kind of BS that got us to where we are now.

Sorry High five and anyone else that can reluctantly justify this in this manner. but this is the exact type of justification that happens over and over. In my opinion, It is not ok to say I don't like it but I can understand why they are doing it.

This is no different than any of the other things that have been justified by BUSINESS while knowingly eroding at the very core of sport fishing, fish stocks and habitat. The Fact is by taking advantage of this program they are saying the following. "My short term business needs and desire to make a profit are more important than ensuring access to sport fishing remains for all Canadians." They are saying "too bad for all you Canadians that can not afford or choose not to use the services of a lodge and guide". They are saying that " Profit margins trump everything else regardless of the long term affect". They are saying in plain English " We accept and welcome the idea that if a man wants to take his son or daughter fishing they are damn well going to have to pay someone like me to do it.

Too many times we have found ourselves hearing one version or another of why we caved and bought into it only to find ourselves looking in the rear-view mirror at what once was and wondering "how did we let this happen."

Lastly I am sad to read the words "but if we had more fish this wouldn't have happened".

It troubles me because you are not wrong in saying that. If we had more of the pie and there was more fish we would not be seeing our selves being divided and angry. We would be fishing as usual and businesses would be doing business as usual, and very few people if any at all would even notice how wrong and dangerous the current system is to our sport and the fish. Very few except those who always have, would dedicate much more than a complaint here and there to try to put a stop to big business taking our right to access away from us. So yes that is a true statement, until there is not enough fish anymore .Tthen we would be right where we are today battling a system that we all know will destroy and end public access to the fish ,(unless we can afford to pay the big boyz) Wen that gets to hard we will divide and those with enough money will buy into it as a means of SELF preservation. well here we are!!!

I applaud and commend all and every business large or small that has decided to not buy into this crap and continue to try to find long term solutions over the short term ones that will ensure profit today over access tomorrow.

"If only there was more fish That would fix everything." NOT
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High five. I think my choice of wording may have lead to a misunderstanding here. PM is on the way.

no disrespect meant, but your just waking up to this? Ever hear the term thrown under the bus?

None taken and no I have always been suspicious. Sadly as a recreational sport fisherman its not a question of being thrown under the bus, but rather which bus. Clearly the commercial interests have the time and money to invest in gaining their piece of the pie and are driving the buses.
Everybody get ready to buy quota for the right to fish. It's already started and going to get worse. As each lodge jumps on board with this the likelihood of every Canadian having to buy quota becomes a greater possibility.
The best thing that could happen is that the DFO recognizes that the Lodges are commercial and should pay just like the other commercials. Thus leaving the sporties out of it and giving us our on fish to catch and we live happily ever after

Would that mean then the lodges would get there quota free just like the commercial guys did at the start? & just where would that quota come from......................????
The only ones that I will point a finger at is the DFO for the situation their mismanagement has put us in. To those who gave up their own time I say kudos to you as you did not have much to work with and you got a season for us. I am sure you would have wanted the same as us.
As for as the well heeled lodges that bought quota, I would not spend a single Alberta dollar to support you.
Are you calling the kettle black? Haven't the Lodges been getting their quota free the whole time!?!?!?! at the expense of ALL recreational fisherman? Do you really think we would have these restrictions if any if the lodges weren't a part of the recreational quota? The vast majority of Commercial Halibut Boats, lease or own quota which they PAID for. Sure the original transaction may have been free, but my understanding is their are not many if any that don't pay someone now. Lodges on the other hand......

Haaa haa..... :) I usually stay away from this crap show ..... bye your statement U show us really how little U understand what really is going on regarding halibut..... do a little reading on the subject and try to catch up..... :)
The best thing that could happen is that the DFO recognizes that the Lodges are commercial and should pay just like the other commercials. Thus leaving the sporties out of it and giving us our on fish to catch and we live happily ever after

Stupidest idea I've ever heard. So all Canadians who don't have a boat will no longer be able to go fishing on coast at all unless SUPER rich as we both know lodges would pass that on to consumers
That is one way to look at it, and because of your brothers in nootka this could very well be where it ends up. However I tend to think that sporties are tired of taking for the team here and will have something to say about it. It seems to be a consensus among lodges that they are a necessity. That without them all Canadians are doomed to never be able to catch halibut. I disagree and furthermore I think you should be thankful that you have had this free ride for as long as you have, and should maybe give back to the sporties who fought to get more percentage only to get stabbed in the back by these lodges buying quota because its stil not enough to support their businesses.

Hmmmmm....25 posts Double... ..You sure sound like member from Christmas past.... Lorne ?... U know him???? If I look thru the his old post under 3 or 4 different names I pretty sure this one is recycled??? just wondering? :)
He doesn't own a lodge, dumble. He's a sportfisher like most of us but not trolls like yourself.

Get your head out of your a$$
I'm not sure what you are getting at Derby. But I do hope your days are numbered as a lodge owner as its so blatantly obvious that you are. You have a nice evening as well.

Now .... Lorne play nice or you will get yourself banned again for the 5th time..... :) You know there is a whole lot of really nice people on the forum, actually sort of a family of us who really are starting too or do understand the whole halibut issue & up on the other issues regarding our access to sport fish ..... not sure why but it seems you feel some sort of satisfaction of coming on this forum and spilling your venom... sort of sad actually... there was a reason why you were banned don't you know.. and if you are not Lorne would be of the same sort... best you move along... good night... :)
Stupidest idea I've ever heard. So all Canadians who don't have a boat will no longer be able to go fishing on coast at all unless SUPER rich as we both know lodges would pass that on to consumers

Have you checked out the prices they are asking average Canadians to pay? You are using the commercial fisherman's argument. Providing a product for those who otherwise wouldn't have access to it, not sure you want to go down that road.
pretty sure all canadians still have access up to 6 fish per year 3 chickens and 3 up to 60lbs. whats that 200lbs of hali.... yup rough....
pretty sure all canadians still have access up to 6 fish per year 3 chickens and 3 up to 60lbs. whats that 200lbs of hali.... yup rough....

Would be rough if 30,000,000 Plus Canadians each exercised their access to 6 fish. Not much left for you commercial guys? Pretty sure that's a heck of a lot more fish than is sustainable. Maybe you are on to something though, after all Canadians have had access to their 6 fish, the rest go to the commercial fleet.
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Its no wonder no one voices there opinion. Name calling and threats of being banned.

I have a question for you Fishtofino. I see you are a lodge owner. Hypothetically if the DFO made it so you and all people in your industry had to buy quota and in turn you could either eat the cost or had to charge $50 extra per charter to make up the costs to your wealthy Alberta customers, but in exchange all sport fishers could fish all year with liberal limits of the past would you do that?

$50 extra per charter? You are very poor with math. Catch a 100lber and that's $500. Or catch 4 25lbers and that's $500. So I think most would be charging at least $400-$500 more. Bye bye avg Canadian being able to fish
Ya still don't get it! We should not be paying the commie for the quota it does not and never will belong to them. We should be buying it from the people of Canada.