New Political Landscape

Steelhead S2

Active Member
The political landscape is radically different this morning. I have mixed feelings about the results, both here on the north island and nationally. But at the start of this new parliament I am optimistic.

I respect that fact that 40% of active voters supported the Conservatives. While I disagree with their political choice this time around, they are Canadians so I have to trust that they chose carefully and saw something good for the country in that platform which I did not.

I hope that with the safety of a majority government Harper will loosen the reigns a bit and let his caucus represent their constituents freely. And I trust that he will recognize that 60% of active voters did not support his party, and govern accordingly.

I am glad to see the Greens break in. I will not miss the Block. Who knows what will happen to the Liberals. And you can bet that Jack and the hard working NDPers will keep the government honest and accountable. The true test of all will come in 4 years.

Now I am going to put the election behind, forget about politics for a while, and get back to fishing.
One of the things I heard this morning is that the NDP better watch what they do as they are now the new Block party and the Quebecer's are looking for something from old Taliban Jack to help them lead into being their own country...the NDP may have bit off more than they can chew if they start getting pressure for the province to represent only them.

Should be a fun 4 years....LOL!!!


Holmesy, the bar server (assistant manager) was the butt. manager at my campus bar, Ollies, at Carleton. This girl, oh wow, SCARY, really really scary that she is now an MP representing everyday Canadians. She was the definition of a fill in candidate, hardly ever been interested in politics before. People like this won't last another election....but we still have to pay them $130K a year of tax dollars...for 4 years...stupid.
I have to say that I grew to like Jack during this camapaign and think he would probably make a helluva good next door neighbour.
As for running the country.............the voters have spoken.