Native band taking legal action against non selective salmon fishery.

If this case does go to court there are some senior DFO regional management staff that should be worried about their jobs!!!
Why would they...they are doing there job to the best of there ability as directed from back east.....
For knowingly turning a blind eye to the real reason why Fraser River salmon stocks are in yearly decline. I know much of this is politics too....but hard to pin them down as they just blame it on the previous governments policies and directives. I have always contested, the battle has always been and will continue to be with the FED and DFO.

Custom labeled home brew AKA: **** WATER! :)
Wouldnt want to be drinking those out on the boat when dfo checks ya lol
For knowingly turning a blind eye to the real reason why Fraser River salmon stocks are in yearly decline. I know much of this is politics too....but hard to pin them down as they just blame it on the previous governments policies and directives.

Yup look at what the last government did to DFO 350 million dollars worth the cuts and BS :eek:
Going further back look what happened to the cod stocks back east. If I farked up that bad at my job Id be down the road. How do we make these guys(DFO) accountable? Anybody got any ideas? There's gotta be a way.
July 20, 2016


A West Coast Vancouver Island Example

We’ve seen a welcome change in DFO's chinook management measures on the West Coast of Vancouver Island since our last update and wanted to take this opportunity to outline it.

By way of background, the El Niño-caused mackerel predation or “mac attack” of the early 1990s wreaked havoc on WCVI chinook stocks which necessitated a complete closure in 1996 and then the establishment of a migration corridor to reduce WCVI chinook encounters. While these measures have served their purpose, they were complex and often difficult to understand and enforce.

Effective July 15 through October 15, 2016, DFO has significantly modified the rules that have been in place for almost a decade and a half and will allow recreational angles to move to full chinook retention limits in most areas. This is a significant and positive change to regulations, the like of which we have not seen since the closures first went into effect. While we do not anticipate that this change will be permanent it nonetheless demonstrates that DFO is prepared to expand areas of chinook full retention if fisheries managers have access to scale sample and DNA data to support such decisions.

Make no mistake, DFO has made this decision because recreational anglers have provided them with the data they needed to make good decisions. It is incumbent on all of us to continue providing DFO with this much-needed information.

WCVI Guides - Samples and Log Books

Related, this year there is an ongoing program on the West Coast of Vancouver Island to increase the number of samples taken and log book data submitted by guides and lodge operations particularly. The SFI is helping DFO to get the word out and to ensure that guides understand that they must contribute when requested.

The Recreational Vision (that the DFO, SFAB and the Province developed) outlined an approach in which the recreational sector takes on greater responsibility for documenting its catch. The guide log books and other angler based efforts to assist with counting our catch fall in step with these principles. Participation in catch data collection programs will ensure that regulation changes will be based on good information.

We applaud DFO's move on WCVI and, again, encourage anglers, guides and operators to continue to participate in both head recovery efforts and in the provision of scale sample data.

Safety Matters

We should also flag the nearly-tragic events that unfolded on the West Coast of Vancouver Island last week when a fishing guide lost his footing and went overboard in stormy conditions. As it turned out, the guest was unfamiliar with operating the boat or radio but was able to issue a Mayday call so that local guides, Matt Guiguet and Paul Vincent, could assist. Fortunately the boat and guest was led safely back to port and the guide was rescued after close to three hours in the water by the Canadian Coast Guard. The event is a good reminder of the importance of wearing PFD's for all aboard, boats employing the buddy system and the value of upgrading charter boat safety gear to include EPIRBS, particularly when venturing offshore. The incident also serves as a reminder of the importance and legal requirement that a thorough safety and boat orientation be conducted on each outing. And, if the choice is made to offer guests an inflatable PFD in lieu of a life jacket, it must be worn at all times. The Certified Tidal Angling Guide Principles serve as a useful refresher on roles and responsibilities of a professional guide on our coast.

Recreational Angling Challenges Faced

The SFI is paying very close attention to a recent legal challenge launched by 3 Lower Fraser First Nations regarding access to Fraser River Chinook.

The suit wants to block sport fisheries off the coast of Vancouver Island which they allege are impacting the stocks as they return to the river, and are creating a decline in food security and the ability to pass along traditions to their members.

The SFI will continue to represent the rights and interests of recreational anglers as we deal with important legal challenges and maintain access to fisheries that are critical to the future of our sector.

It is a good time to point out that legal challenges are expensive. As always, we need continued and additional support to maintain these efforts. The SFI will be embarking on a membership drive over the next few months to help fund these efforts. Your support, and the support of your colleagues and fellow anglers is critical as we move forward.

We will keep you updated on developments in this and other important cases.

SFI Member Benefits

As a member, we encourage you to take advantage of the SFI - please feel free to call or write regarding any issues you may encounter related to sport fishing in BC. Our team and board of directors worked constantly to advocate on your behalf and to be knowledgeable regarding issues and policies affecting our sector.

We will be pleased to assist, or direct you appropriately, on issues that may require input from or work with Transport Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada and numerous Ministries in the Province.

If you haven’t recently, check in on the Member Benefits section of the SFI website for services and materials that can aid your business.
The West Coast Fishing Guides Association and SFI have been working in partnership to provide WCVI guides with an opportunity to participate in the log book and DNA sampling program. The data collected with be critically important in being able to make science based management decisions - in sharp contrast to hearsay management decisions being touted by these FN bands. What they are doing is taking a very limited and statistically insignificant sample and using junk science to make a poorly constructed point to support their own political agenda. The problem with recreational anglers is very few of us step up to the plate to actually collect catch data and DNA samples in enough numbers to avoid having small sample sizes skew the results. We need more people participating and developing a significantly larger sample size or risk having some small anomaly used against us to advance a political agenda.
The West Coast Fishing Guides Association and SFI have been working in partnership to provide WCVI guides with an opportunity to participate in the log book and DNA sampling program. The data collected with be critically important in being able to make science based management decisions - in sharp contrast to hearsay management decisions being touted by these FN bands. What they are doing is taking a very limited and statistically insignificant sample and using junk science to make a poorly constructed point to support their own political agenda. The problem with recreational anglers is very few of us step up to the plate to actually collect catch data and DNA samples in enough numbers to avoid having small sample sizes skew the results. We need more people participating and developing a significantly larger sample size or risk having some small anomaly used against us to advance a political agenda.

Excellent point Sea Run. In fact, the DNA data they cite is based on a very tiny set of samples taken in the creel survey that was then expanded out to reflect the stock composition for the entire area for the entire month. The reason they were able to do this is because in areas 19 & 20 there are virtually no anglers or guides providing DNA. That's gotta change. Having a credible DNA based stock composition profile for these stocks of concern for each month may well have avoided the controversy surrounding the JdF fishery which has ultimately ended in this lawsuit.

The efforts of the SFI and WCFGA to encourage guides to complete catch logs and participate DNA sampling on the WCVI is hopefully just the beginning of what I believe should be the way forward in how we account for our catch in our fishery. If we want to have confidence in the data used, then we really need to step up and participate in every way we can. If we are accused of having significant impacts on stocks of concern then I for one want to be 100% certain those accusations are correct before any management action it taken. As long as many anglers and guides live in the past and think no data = no problems we will continue to suffer. DFO is governed by the precautionary principle which is short is: no data = no fishing.
I personally support First Nations right to food and ceremonial fishery. I do not support a commercial fishery under the guise of this though

To me the issue is not so much one of who gets to be a commercial fisherman, as far as I know no one is barred based on ethnic grounds. I believe the issue is and has to be based upon conservation as the number one factor ,as was reiterated in the Supreme Court rulings.

Is netting salmon in the Fraser decimating the stock? Has it become an illegal commercial fishery? Is it an environmental issue as opposed to an issue of user groups dividing a sustainable harvest? I believe it is! I think we are all bound by the premise that we only harvest what is sustainable and I don't think the commercial, indiscriminate netting of salmon is.

Until this issue is viewed as the potential environmental disaster it is as opposed to FN rights trumping conservation (Supreme Court has ruled they don't), nothing will change. Where's Pmala Anderson and David Suzuki when you need them?
Thanks, Dave. I was wondering if the online forum pro-farm lobby was going to pick up on those comments.

W/o trying to hijack this thread – and because it is relevant in a roundabout way (keep reading and you will see) – and also in case the so-called “anti” side might also benefit from an explanation: here it is.

My search is for truth, openness, honesty, accountability and an integrated consensus-based environmental/governance models – wherever/whenever we can achieve it. I see no other way out of the mess we are in. Much smarter people than me who study civilization and governance models can give you more depth as to how we got here – and whether or not we are living sustainably. Hero-worship doesn't get us there. Neither does withholding data ( including fish health data).

So – keeping to the theme of calling a spade – a spade....

I don't see how this media circus fulfills a critical need in capacity; nor adds to either accountability nor honesty.

What extra equipment does that Hollywood appeasement boat onboard have that any other boat on the coast either doesn't already have or couldn't easily acquire? Pamella-Lee? Does Anderson have a secret PCR lab onboard that we desperately need and don't know about? Doubt it. Her qualifications: an opening shot in Baywatch.

Being a "celebrity" doesn't confer special intelligence nor knowledge on that person - nor does it exempt them from accountability. Instead - celebrity status confers a deeper responsibility to be accountable due to the extra media coverage.

So – instead of providing extra capacity, honesty and accountability – it's pretty obvious that we have a traveling circus w/o any credibility, capacity, nor local authority.

In addition to the above comments – the names “Paul Watson” and “Martin Sheen” specifically scream arrogance, ignorance, lack of respect, and colonization to those who actually know them. Talk to the good people of the Magdellin Islands, and the Maritimes at large. Let me ignore Watson's irresponsible and unprofessional history of ramming boats and running away – let me instead give you an insight with but one sort-of funny strange-but-true story:

Watson – not getting his way – and never respecting nor understanding any other narrative other than what he dreams up in his head – hob knobs his way into Martin Sheen’s Hollywood world and together they fly out to the Magdellin Islands to “save” the Islanders from themselves (no arrogance there neither..). His bright idea? Simply brush the seals.

Yep – that's right – apparently all you have to do is whisper sweet nothings in their ears – they will obligingly show you the place that they need scratched – let you brush them (and not rip your arm off) – and eventually after brushing a few hairs off thousands of seals (no business plan nor cost effectiveness studies neither) – voila – you have a sleeping bag instead of sealskin boots.

Well that sort of arrogant, ignorant, paternalistic, colonial mindset didn’t fly with the thousands of generous Magdellin Islanders – and it was all the RCMP could do was to get them off the Island after the Catholic Church locked it's doors (have you ever heard of that happening in Canada?). Instead of being apologetic for his disrespectful actions – Watson then had his own PR team demean and besmirch all protesters by labeling them as “drunken sealers”, and arrogantly dismiss their needs, perspective, and their culture.

And now the same Sea Shepherd team that lacks cultural sensitivities and accountability is in unceded First Nations territories (the tie-in to this thread). Same arrogance. Same ignorance. Same dishonesty.
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I think agent and I just had a moment there.
Yesterday a net was found in the lower chehalis, just above where it joins the Harrison. Net was bank to bank and competely 100% blocking the river. Net was taken out. Pretty ****** as now is when the eagle creek early wild coho start entering. This is a run of less than 200 fish. So every fish counts!!!!
...Being a "celebrity" doesn't confer special intelligence nor knowledge on that person - nor does it exempt them from accountability. Instead - celebrity status confers a deeper responsibility to be accountable due to the extra media coverage...In addition to the above comments – the names “Paul Watson” and “Martin Sheen” specifically scream arrogance, ignorance, lack of respect, and colonization to those who actually know them. ..