Minister Jordan and senior public servants, who are not acting into the best interest of Canadians, salmon and steelhead!


Well-Known Member
This is what needs to happen to the upper management of DFO, and our current Liberal Government. There is zero excuse for the way they have mismanaged the Public fishery and conservation of salmon and steelhead stocks. These are public servants, who are not acting into the best interest of Canadians, salmon and steelhead. MP Bob Zimmer does an outstanding job of demanding real answers, and ensuring that Minister Jordan does not dance around his questions with her usual scripted answers. Thank you Bob!
Please watch, and please share far and wide.
This is what needs to happen to the upper management of DFO, and our current Liberal Government. There is zero excuse for the way they have mismanaged the Public fishery and conservation of salmon and steelhead stocks. These are public servants, who are not acting into the best interest of Canadians, salmon and steelhead. MP Bob Zimmer does an outstanding job of demanding real answers, and ensuring that Minister Jordan does not dance around his questions with her usual scripted answers. Thank you Bob!
Please watch, and please share far and wide.
June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021

The Honourable Bernadette Jordan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E6

Dear Minister:

We have been watching the proceedings of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO) with great interest as the committee continues to work through and discuss the State of the Pacific Salmon study. While we were interested to hear your remarks on the afternoon of June 2nd, the responses you and your staff provided to questions posed were both concerning and confusing.

Several times during the discussion you specifically referenced a pilot or test fishery that was initially described as planned for 2021 and then as currently underway to provide you with the data necessary to allow you to determine if it is appropriate to implement a Mark Selective Fishery (MSF) for Chinook in BC. While directors and staff of the SFI have been actively involved in the SFAB process, the development of the MSF proposals, and work closely with your science and stock assessment staff in the Pacific region, no one is aware of the pilot of which you speak. We believe it is reasonable to assume that if a pilot were being implemented with the specific goal of providing information required to implement MSF across wider regions of the BC South Coast, that the SFAB and DFO staff would be aware of this pilot. We can assure you they are not.

To our knowledge, except for the Sechelt Inlet hybrid fishery that was approved in 2021, all the Chinook retention opportunities that are in place now were implemented in 2020. By no measure could these be considered as a pilot. All the fisheries implemented in the Mainland Inlets are not MSF’s and in fact allow for retention of both marked and unmarked Chinook but with no size restriction in place for marked fish.

The tiny Becher Bay opportunity on southern Vancouver Island is indeed a MSF, but in no way was it ever described to the SFAB as a pilot or test fishery nor would it be effective for gathering the necessary data required to support or refute the benefits of MSF.

As a result, we are confused and concerned about what you may be referring to and how progress can be made in implementing plans for MSF going forward. We suggest that these are essential details and request that information about when and where the pilot is taking place be provided as soon as possible. While it is hard to understand how a MSF pilot could proceed without participation from the public fishery, we stand by to assist in gathering the additional data you state is necessary to move forward. Again, timing and opportunity that MSF could provide to the public fishery is critical, clarification regarding this pilot is requested so we can provide assistance.

During your time at FOPO Committee on June 2nd you also responded to a question regarding consultation that you have met with the SFAB. This is inaccurate. While previous Ministers have met with the SFAB, the official advisory board to DFO does not seek meetings with the Minister but has traditionally been invited by the Minister so that she may gain insights and can seek advice directly from the stakeholder and advisory board. While the pandemic may have provided impediments to an in-person meeting, you are the first Minister in a long time that has not arranged a meeting with the SFAB.

Finally, you also indicated that you are in regular consultation with stakeholders in BC on a variety of issues. We can confirm that the SFI has met with you in a stakeholder capacity previously but note that a request for a meeting to gain clarity on the recent decision and announcements regarding southern BC Chinook management remains unanswered.

Minister, we are troubled and alarmed by your remarks on June 2nd as they indicate that there could be a serious communication break down between your regional leadership and your office. We note and agree with your statement that acknowledges that mark selective fisheries, MSF, are a good idea and look forward to their implementation as soon as possible. To that end, our intent is to ensure that you and your department make decisions based on accurate and complete information. We stand by to assist in whatever way we can.



Rob Alcock,

This is a MUST WATCH

Man, Zimmer crucified her....
still no answer
Hoping by now folks are starting to see a pattern of broken promises, and systemic avoidance or at best not listening to their own DFO science by the same cast of characters....let alone ignoring solid advice from the Minister's own Advisory Board. Nice for a change to see how the SFAB's advice was the lead in questions to hold the Minister and her team to account. Sadly the quality of the answers provided fell far short of the quality questions asked. Perhaps the Minister will have the sense in reflecting upon the shortcomings of her and her team's answers to direct her staff to dig deep into developing a science-based path toward MSF. And further, demand staff find ways to rebuild the Public Fishery to provide social and economic benefits for all Canadians.
Hoping by now folks are starting to see a pattern of broken promises, and systemic avoidance or at best not listening to their own DFO science by the same cast of characters....let alone ignoring solid advice from the Minister's own Advisory Board. Nice for a change to see how the SFAB's advice was the lead in questions to hold the Minister and her team to account. Sadly the quality of the answers provided fell far short of the quality questions asked. Perhaps the Minister will have the sense in reflecting upon the shortcomings of her and her team's answers to direct her staff to dig deep into developing a science-based path toward MSF. And further, demand staff find ways to rebuild the Public Fishery to provide social and economic benefits for all Canadians.
Nothing new... it's politics.
Part of the problem of having a majority of decision-makers from eastern Canada - and 'decision-makers' is really a poor description of most of them.