Lunn is going down..............

From my understanding this poll was actually extremely bias in its methodology, the way the pollsters asked the questions, their wording etc. Other internal polls show Lunn up by a few percentage points, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for this one...let's hope Lunn can keep Ms May out of Parliament, the last thing we need is her in there...anyone but her...literally, that woman is so useless and the most arrogant person out there. She thinks she is deserving of so much while not deserving it...if anyone else was leader of green party I would hope for their victory, but not her
Believe me my hopes are up that all coastal BC ridings will deny Harper a majority government which would be the worst catastrophe this country has ever faced.
Believe me my hopes are up that all coastal BC ridings will deny Harper a majority government which would be the worst catastrophe this country has ever faced.

Only one bigger catastrophe possible Elizabeth May as a leader!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry couldn't resist John
Lunn is on the target list of MP's that NEED to go just like Duncan and one other mainland MP that blatantly refused to even listen to our concerns. He will hopefully pay the political price for this ignorance. Has nothing to do with the party he is with - plain and simple only with ignorance towards his constituents while driving an unwanted agenda. May was the only candidate in this riding willing to listen to fishermen's concerns and one green dot in Ottawa will not hurt this mess that rules there anyway. In fact, a small green represention in parliament will do good for our country. That's the way I see it.
Lunn is on the target list of MP's that NEED to go just like Duncan and one other mainland MP that blatantly refused to even listen to our concerns. He will hopefully pay the political price for this ignorance. Has nothing to do with the party he is with - plain and simple only with ignorance towards his constituents while driving an unwanted agenda.

Lunn actively LOBBIED others within the Conservative Party to slam the doors in the faces of voters over the privatization issue. Not simply refused to listen to the concerns, he actively and openly pushed for support of what we endure today. He MUST Go! Anything esle sends the signal we will roll over on this one. I am NOT prepared to do that!

As Chris noted, this has NOTHING to do with the Party, it is a matter of Person. And that person placing his own Agenda much higher than the desires of the Voting Public. For that alone, he must be defeated!

Who cares if it is May who usurps him? It won't be for long, the message will be clearly sent. Ignore the desires of the Common Man at your Peril! She ain't about to make any difference beyond carrying that message directly to Harper. And it is short term. IF the Conservatives finally wake up from their current dream that they can choose to ignore us at will, and put a Candidate the People can TRUST up for consideration, they will carry the next go-round. Today, Lunn does NOT carry that trust in any way, shape or form!

I got my Dad to vote for May..first time in his whole life he had changed voting parties !

I explained, we need to send a message to Harper.. ignore the average person in favour of a select few?. Ignore our rights as Canadians to a Public resource and the People will take notice!

We wont take it any more!
This is very selective voting going on here. I'm not a total supporter of the Greens, although I aprreciate there message. I have my fingers crossed for Ms. May.;) eman