JDF Derby 2016- who's fishin?

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
JDF Derby is coming up soon. First time for August dates this year. Fishing should be great!

Who's fishin?

I'm in as always and looking forward to a shot at the huge prize table.
I feel like this might be my year to win it!!

Great opportunity to win some cash and awesome prizes without missing Fathers Day Dinner.
Support the Sooke Net Pen Project as well that we will all benefit from.

Hope to see you all out there and maybe start some friendly trash talking.

Not this year unfortunately. I would have loved to beat you and get back at you for Consultants Derby. Guess I know where you will be that day.:eek:
I will unfortunately be away that weekend. Great many prizes I hear and benefits a great cause. Hope they sell out.
Not this year unfortunately. I would have loved to beat you and get back at you for Consultants Derby. Guess I know where you will be that day.:eek:
LOL! It's too crowded there now.
Heard Gibby won the Sooke Derby last weekend at Sheringham. Everyone should go there.
Oh wait... big fish caught at the Head on Sunday... Everyone should go there.

Here is a tip... I'll be fishing where the tide tells me to that weekend and I will only move once in the day.(because the tide will change)

I'm in.......

Gibby practically owns that spot at the light.......he should be paying taxes on it.
LOL! It's too crowded there now.
Heard Gibby won the Sooke Derby last weekend at Sheringham. Everyone should go there.
Oh wait... big fish caught at the Head on Sunday... Everyone should go there.

Here is a tip... I'll be fishing where the tide tells me to that weekend and I will only move once in the day.(because the tide will change)


Should have seen day after you caught those. I thought it was funny.
I 'l be out there giving it a shot. Only twirled anchovy twice this year so hope to get out before the derby and brush up a bit. Should be a good time , 4 of us rented a 3-bed unit at the Sooke Harbour Marina for 3 nights - gonna be nice to chill after a busy summer! Best of luck to all in the derby!!
I'll be in it. There is a huge prize pool and it is for a good cause!

Fishing is getting better and now that the Esquimalt Derby is now cancelled :(and there is no more Bite Me Derby:(, this one of the last big derbies of the year.

It is important for the Sooke Rive Chinook River Revitalization Project to sell this derby out to help fund SVIAC for the chinook enhancement work they want to do.
More info at the project here: http://anglerscoalition.com/?page_id=4308
Info on the derby here: http://jdfderby.ca/
I'm in for sure. Exceptionally well run derby, amazing prize table, great cause and the prospects of fishing improving are great IMO!
I'm in again as I have been for years. Buddies coming in from Alberta, only time I fish with them best weekend of the year for me. Good friends, great derby, and good times no matter what. Good luck to everyone.
Guys...I have debated whether to put this out there or not to...but as we are fast approaching the derby dates in a very short time I've decided that the cause is far to important (the Sooke net pen project) not to share. As we sit today we need to sell 25 tickets just to break even. Last year we would be sitting at 350 tickets sold with 2 weeks until the derby. We are now at approx 175 tickets sold. I blame most of this on DFO and how we get treated every spring with no timely announcements and everything is left up in the air until 4pm on the Friday the day before the Father's Day weekend. Having said that any derby still requires the support of the angling community to buy tickets and support what ever salmon enhancement efforts each derby supports. I can tell you with all certainty I do not donate 300 plus hours of my time to put on a fishing derby for the sake of running a derby. I do it for my strong belief in the cause and raising money for it. Obviously if this derby looses money or only breaks I can't see it continuing in the future. This is an expensive derby to run under the original format with a banquet, shirts, hats etc. and takes way more hours than most of you realize to pull off. It would take even more hours to pull it off perfectly....and the organizers feel this year will be the best one yet. No other local derby can come close to getting sponsors to donate the quality of prizes on this tournaments prize table. What other derby has three 4 stroke outboards donated at no cost? Our sponsors donate those prizes expecting their companies and products to be exposed to 500 plus anglers, to be featured on posters, 600 t-shirts, 600 rule booklets, year round exposure on the derby website and to have their products features at the awards banquet. Without all that is offered to our sponsors the quality of prizes would be significantly lower and there would be no large cash prize for 1st place. To afford all that is required to get these great prizes from our sponsors and to give away a large 1st place prize we incure about $50,000.00 in costs to run a derby at this level. (including the $20,000.00 1st place prize) Ultimately if this tournament is to survive and continue and if it will be able to contribute to the Sooke net project is solely up to you...the anglers who buy tickets and enter these events. A sold out event would see about $40,000.00 go to the net pen project. Sadly as of now that is a pipe dream. There is still two weeks to go so who knows but I can say we are all worried and somewhat disillusioned right now. Rollie/tournament organizer
Having said all that above my chances of winning $20,000.00 are pretty good this year...the combination of a couple of Stella and that thought just cheered me up a bit ;)
I'm in for what will probably be my last time,my sons will take over from now on.I've been in this derby from close to the beginning and have the T-shirts cluttering my closet to prove it.We were lucky enough to win a few years back and always look forward to a very well run derby.I have always felt sorry for the organizers after working all year with sponsors and the many details that go into running such a big event,that after the Derby and prizes are handed out we all disappear home to our beds after putting in long and early hours on the water for 2 days.There never seems to be enough appreciation expressed for all the work put in by all the volunteers.Thanks go to Rollie for trying to keep what has been the best derby in our area alive.Hope we get good weather and good luck to all that buy a ticket,where else can you spend a weekend doing what you love to do and have very good odds of winning one of many big prizes.
Would have loved to participate but the date change threw a wrench in things. Friends in town for the 19-21 and we're off to cowichan lake :(
I am in the same boat, had my tickets for father's day but am off on the family vacation for the new dates. Wish the organizers all the best, was lookingat the prizes list and can't believe I'm going to miss it. Good luck!
I'm in and will be fishing with the wife. Is there a prize category for that? Should be. lol. Great cause and always a great time. Looking forward to it...