Jack Brook's Hatchery On The Move


Well-Known Member
This has been in the works for awhile now and the official announcement was made after the two society's involved had their boards vote on the matter. Both the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society and Juan De Fuca Salmon Restoration Society board of directors voted unanimously to move the Jack Brook's Hatchery to the property on Charters River where the Charters River Salmon Interpretation Centre is located. There has already been an agreement from the CRD to allow for 1000 gallons of water per minute to be released to the hatchery for ponding of Chinook salmon smolts in the spring. The old site would struggle to provide 250 gallons per minute during the ponding period, limiting production and sometimes requiring early releases of the fish. The new site will provide ample water and could allow for increased production in the future. The current hope and plan would see the hatchery up and running for the 2019 brood collection.
I'm sure they will once the work begins.