It appears that DFO is in Chaos

It's always been a shambles-a friend of mine's wife works for the Federal Gubmint (here in Vancouver for years and now in Ottawa) and says that Fisheries is the worst run department in the place no one wants to work there for any reason.

She has a particular interest in fisheries because her husband/my buddy is an ex-commercial guy who still has a keen interest in the issues.
and says that Fisheries is the worst run department in the place no one wants to work there for any reason.

Heard that from a few feds myself
nothing new really...same ole same ole....that's why the entire department needs to be dismantled and re-worked....but eh, what do we know right?....the whole place is a joke, ask anyone that has worked or is working there.........holmes*

Hi Homes
I agree with you but should add that in some cases perhaps criminal charges of negligence should be filed.