If It Looks Like a Duck...Is It Always a Duck?


Staff member
This isn't what I expected!

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makes sense to me-- Jaguars are pretty much amphibious compared to other big cats. Wonder what the outcome was..... I wouldnt think a single bite on the neck would be enough.... Once he let go-- bet there was a struggle!
It was a caiman, none the less it could make the jaguar's day go bad. There is that same kill with two different cameras, which give a pretty good view of how that cat approached. I am pretty sure it was paralyzed by that bite having watched a few videos of anacondas killing them which seemed to be a long process,
Gator tastes like chicken so I don't see what the big deal is here :p

all kidding aside, nature is so bad butt.
Another video showed a caiman helping himself to an electric eel that was hooked by a fisherman and it seemed to have killed the caiman.