Hunting Pics


Active Member
Here are some good pics from up North.





SJ....2 nice bulls, was the one in velvet taken at an earlier date? Looks like Elk weren't open but great picture.
Nice pics that for sure man we live in a great place!!!!!

Yes some really fine animals there striper... congrats on all of them...
This is a “Sport fishing” site! Why are you people using it as a bragging platform for other pursuits? My personal opinion on warm blooded hunting is not published here, but it will be if this continues.
quote:My personal opinion on warm blooded hunting is not published here, but it will be if this continues.

:D :D :D :D :D I'll just bet it would be... Roll up another and tell us about it please.. I would love to know why you choose to eat animals that are kept in small crowded compounds, force fed growth stimulents and hormones over wild natural food. Please tell me why you prefer to have someone else do you're killing for you because you are not man enough to do it you're self... Please I won't sleep tonight until you let us know....
You must mean “Pour” another one. Anyway, I was careful to not make this personal just to complain that I didn’t expect to have to explain this to my 9 year old son (who adores this site) what this is about.

But if your up for it, lets’ go…
By all means,, I would love to hear it...
No one who has the means to afford a computer, Digital camera, 4x4 truck and ATV, gun, gun license (optional), money for fuel and supplies, hunting permit, beer and days off (assumes a job) needs to stock (from the back of a truck?) a wild full grown animal in its’ remote habitat and blast it from a ¼ mile away. Compare this “Sport” to fishing where the goal is to tease a “BITE” from a creature that is intent on killing something its’ self, you just tricked it. No sneaking up, no killing instrument (gun) just a fair playing field. No comparison
I never thought I would find an Anti hunting person on this site.Seafunman,you make a lot of incorrect assumptions about big game hunting/hunters.Some of your assumptions are insulting to say the least.Perhaps you should ask yourself why do you fish?Is it for the love of the outdoors?Is it for good company?Is it for ??.Perhaps you just like eating fish. I like to think of myself as a good salmon fisher and a good hunter,hoping to be great fisherman/hunter.Some of what I learned was from my dad.He taught me its not about killing its about hunting.I include cold and warm blooded creatures in that group.PS I do have a job

Striperjack,Great pics and how did you pass on that elk??
More of a Beaver Hunter in the offseason myself:D Not to say i complain eating fresh Moose and Deer meat at Striper Jacks house followed by a good slap of Whiskey to bring out the Maddog within[:p]I wonder if Jack killed that poor Grizz that strolled through camp with his Bear Hands???

60" Rack on that critter...
OK sea fun ask your self a few questions when you go to a big box store to get a steak,roast,hamburger or even a chiken or a pork chop do you ever wonder these things???

1 where was it raised and what did it eat???
2 who slautered it after they fattened up in a small room??
3 who moved it and cleaned it???
4 who butchered it??
5 what temperature was it stoed at??

If you can answer ALL these questions which I doubt!!!

I can tell you from when I first pull a trigger to when I put in in the freezer I know exactly who,why,where and how it is:


it has been around since caveman days we as men have been the hunters and fisherman if you dont like dont read it and look at its called freedom of choice!!!!!dont get me started on mad cow,e-coli,asian flu
hhhhhhhmmmmmmm moose and deer are looking better as I speak got to go to bed need to get up early to butcher the elk we shot 2 weeks ago

Good night WOLF
I am proud to say I hunt, fish, have a job and am probably slightly redneck. I guess that makes me a minority nowadays. Seeing peoples hunting pics is to me very cool. I love to see young people out hunting. It is nice to know that our way of life is not totally gone. When I saw wolfs van isle elk photos it made me smile and what is wrong with that. The moose pics were also cool. If photos of living the bc adventure are wrong I must be really messed up. Who doesn't look at a photo of somebodies adventures and feel a bit inspired to get out there themselves. I hate political rants but I guess this was mine. Good on anybody for getting out there and thanks for the photos.
quote:This is a “Sport fishing” site! Why are you people using it as a bragging platform for other pursuits?

Hey Seafunman........I respect that you have an opinion on this and every subject that is posted in this site. I also respect that your opinion may be different than mine, that is one of the great things that makes life interesting.

However I don't understand why you would have looked at a post that is entitled "Hunting Pics" if this subject and its pictures bother you so much?? This is a " Sport Fishing" site as you say but the subject heading is " General Open Forum".

I am a C.O.R.E. instructor ( hunter trainer program) for BC and an International Bowhunter Education Instructor and an avid hunter and find your comments about shooting from a "1/4 mile away" and from the "back of a truck" offensive.

As I said I respect the fact that you are entitled to an opinion but if you don't care for this type of post why don't you do yourself a favour and not look at them so you don't get upset!
I agree with Tyee....its not like the pictures were added to a "FISH PIC " post.....It does say "HUNTING PICS" and it is in the GENERAL OPEN forum...Fishing/hunting pretty much the same...That would be like going to the RED LION and complaining that the girls have no clothes on...:D:D
Thx guys,, that was to easy,, like leading a lamb to the slaughter (no punn intended).. I have a hard time putting into words what I feel when it comes to people like that... Well atleast words that are allowed on here anyways...
quote:Originally posted by SeaFunMan

No one who has the means to afford a computer, Digital camera, 4x4 truck and ATV, gun, gun license (optional), money for fuel and supplies, hunting permit, beer and days off (assumes a job) needs to stock (from the back of a truck?) a wild full grown animal in its’ remote habitat and blast it from a ¼ mile away. Compare this “Sport” to fishing where the goal is to tease a “BITE” from a creature that is intent on killing something its’ self, you just tricked it. No sneaking up, no killing instrument (gun) just a fair playing field. No comparison

Okay....first off Seafun, you are incorrect in that a "gun license" is optional. It is NOT an option in Canada thanks to the federal liberal party. Not sure if you have heard of the "gun registry"??

You obviously have never hunted before and I can respect that. Your perception is not entirely true. What about someone who spend their time "calling" a moose in? That is "enticing" is it not?

What is the problem if I charter a plane to fly in to a remote river system and spend 10 days travelling by canoe and enjoying the wilderness and if I happen to take a moose to provide food for the table, VERY healthy food I may add.

And....everything you stated up above can be easily applied to fishing. Why would anyone with who has the means to afford a computer, Digital camera, FISHING BOAT and a float tube, fishing rods and gear, fishing license (NOT optional), money for fuel and supplies, boat operators permit, beer and days off (assumes a job) needs to STALK/FOOL/ENTICE (from the safe confines of their boat) the presitgious wild pacific salmon in its’ remote/natural habitat and and yank it up from the safe confines of the ocean, some 100' below the surface??

As you state in "tricking". When I hunt moose AND deer I call or rattle antlers to "entice" them to come in. They are coming in with the intent of
a) kicking my butt and stealing my ladies, IF I have any
b) if I am calling like a gal, well HE knows what HE wants and I am trying to fool him
c) he is responding to my call, to do nothing more than kick my a$$ to show his dominance and get rid of me.

With respect to a bear which WILL respond to calls....would you not say then that MY call to entice a bear in, is bringing him in for what his intention is to eat whatever is making that noise? To kill the source of the noise? So using your logic I guess bear hunting is okay IF a bear responds to a call from me....I have fooled him into wanting to eat me....and "KILL me it's self"??

I think your perception of hunting is quite jaded. I can tell you a story from when I was in University and I had a friend who was studying biology and zoology who was somewhat opposed to hunting. I extended the offer for him to come along with my Dad and I on a 4 day deer hunting trip. He was completely floored at how his perception changed, and what he learned from myself and my father. "Guys I have learned more in 4 days in the bush with you, than I could learn in a classroom". His sterotype (the common perception to a non-hunter) of what he imagined was FAR from the truth.

You seem to have the misconception as to hunting. Sure there are different kinds of folks out there who hunt by different means. There are some folks who like to drive the roads, and it is NOT illegal and they are perfectly fine doing so. For me, it is not my bag....I enjoy hiking and being far away from others. As far as "hunting from the back of a truck"....that is illegal. Sure there are people out there who break the laws and it disgusts "ethical law abiding hunters". But just like with hunting there are bad apples, there are also bad apples who fish.

You have obviously experienced fishing, as you are on this forum. Would you not find it offensive if I were to stero-type fisherman as a bunch of fat slobs, who sit in the front of their bass boat with their "Bass Pro Shops" hat on, drinking beer while running their boat at 60 miles per hour and chucking empty beer cans into the water while ignoring laws on methods to catch fish (ie. barbless hooks)........and doing all of this without a license, because a license is "optional" right??? ;)

I respect if you don't like hunting but please don't make assumptions and generalize, as you are painting a picture out of ignorance.
Gues the guy doesnt want to respond stirs the pot and yet no reply???????whats with that i am always up to a good debate!!!!!!!

Just got in from butchering that beautidul elk it came in at 540 lbs after 16 days of hanging split it 2 ways but then we gave some to 2 of my buddies who helped me so now 4 families will have some good eats this winter hunting sucess = sharing gave them each 30 lbs of hamb,4 roasts,12 steaks and ill be cooking ribs for this monday night football game coming up!!!!!!!!

SO you see sea fun boy it isnt all about the killing it is the sharing and being with buddies SAME as for fishing.
