Hungry Brown!

Was fishing the Cowichan the other day with a buddy and hooked into a 3-4 inch rainbow. I was reeling it in and kinda joking, calling it a hog when out of the depths comes this nice brown that snatched the small rainbow right off my lure. My buddy had the exact same thing happen on his next cast so we moved on and let the pool settle down for about an hour. We went back and on his first cast, buddy hooks this beauty and gets it to the beach for some pics. The first pic is one where the Brown had just regurgitated up one of the bows it took off one of our lines earlier on. It never ceases to amaze me how aggressive these trout can be.

Nice little adventure and with pics too.
Thanks for sharing.

Cutties can also be little piggies as I once caught one on the Quinsam that barfed up about a three inch Parr it had just taken before attacking my spinner. That Cutty was football shaped as can be and still eating anything it could catch.
Amazing fish.

Take care.
Good pictures.

I hooked a Cutthroat at Gooseneck Lake (Campbell River) that had a large bulge in it's belly. The fish was about 14 or 15 inches and had a full grown field mouse in it's belly. I'm not sure how this fish even swallowed that. There's a lot of dead windfall in that lake that floats around everyday. I think the mouse must have been out on the logs and made the fatal plung into the lake.
That's a great fish you caught there. Browns are greedy pigs for sure, and mice end up on the menu more often than you'd imagine. I've had alot of success skating mouse fly patterns for Rainbows and Bulltrout; yet to try it for browns.
That's a great fish you caught there. Browns are greedy pigs for sure, and mice end up on the menu more often than you'd imagine. I've had alot of success skating mouse fly patterns for Rainbows and Bulltrout; yet to try it for browns.

Mouse patterns were my go to for big nocturnal browns as well as white streamers right at dusk or well into the night on a full moon. More often than not, the big guys would get me into my backing within seconds and break off or shake the hook. I always fished a 4 weight, which was probably my downfall in losing bigger fish but you can't beat the fight of a 2-5 lb brown or rainbow on a 4 weight. I have managed to land fish in the 6-7 lb class but true trophy class (10 plus lb'er) has had the best of me every time so far.
Great story and beautiful fish. I carry a net for bigger trout so I don't have to put them on rocks.