How Not to Dispose of Your Garbage!!!

Yesterday (Sunday April, 29), we spent some time out on our local waters and the winds were down. The ocean was flat calm, which made for a very enjoyable day. But some low-life....person carefully disposed of their used cooking oil in a coffee can that was floating in the calm waters.

We carefully pulled along side of it and picked it up, and then disposed of it in a on-shore garbage container. Not happy that folks on the water don't respect the environment enough to pack their garbage back off the boat and dispose of it on land!! In my books no excuse for this kind of behavior!!

So if you were one of the boat travelling past Cape Lazo yesterday, guess what...there are garbage containers in every port to properly dispose of your garbage. There were 5 commercial prawn boats heading up island yesterday perhaps they noticed a live-a-board vessel throwing garbage overboard?

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Thanks for picking that up; some people have no respect.

I netted a few cans of spray paint floating out near the hump last week.
On a related note.......the Lund Marina does not provide any garbage facilities at all.......I walked up with a small bag after staying overnight a few weeks ago, and was told they don't have any garbage cans available for marina users ! ?