Holy Cow...Seals!


Well-Known Member
I just had to post this because I know it's a topic of discussion but when it actually happens to you...your simply shocked.
I was fishing Hole in the wall on Sunday...hooked three fish...lost three to seals.
Now I fish out of Port Hardy all summer and I have never lost a fish to a seal or heard of it ever up there!
Something needs to be done from Campbell River South...from the posts I've read lately....the seals are a huge problem.
Just my opinion....food for thought.
I think we have to start breeding killer whales which prefer seal meat. Of course we will need a few thousand seals to raise the whales on,, so we should start harvesting them now :D[}:)]:D

We have a seal problem down here and if thy are following the boat its legal to paint ball them and thy seem to leave you alone after getting hit a few times.
Last week in front of the family waterfront in Davis Bay,where it is not uncommon to see groups of 3-4 seals at a time ,a monsterpod or destroyer battle group of maybe 200-300 seals cruised by--it was truly a stunning sight in a horror show kind of way------Invasion of the Salmon Snatchers---now when we put our lines down we know nobody is safe----maybe we need to come up with some tasty water-dog entrees!
Paintball gun. Why didn't I think of that. If you see a seal out ther with pink polka dots....that will be my work! Thanks
Up on the Sunshine Coast a few years ago, seals were attacking people in row boats and kayaks. I'm sure the powers that be would be forced to revisit the situation if more of that happened.
I am not sure if they are legal but as one fisher to another I didn't see anything...[}:)]
quote:Originally posted by Ringostar

I am not sure if they are legal but as one fisher to another I didn't see anything...[}:)]
shooting seals is not legal either but they still seem to wash up on the beach now and then[}:)]:D
If you do use piantballs just make sure you freeze them first!!They leave a way better impression!!
Better then a paintball gun is a potato gun. powered by a propane canister and ignited by a bbq lighter. that will definetly have an effect bouncing one off the forehead.
quote:If you do use piantballs just make sure you freeze them first!!They leave a way better impression!!

Ha ha ha. I like it. As for drawing attention from PETA I say bring it on. Those guys are already on a anti fishing campaign. Time to make a stand I say. If the follow me out on to the water then let the games begin;)
quote:Originally posted by Concerned Angler

quote:Better then a paintball gun is a potato gun. powered by a propane canister and ignited by a bbq lighter. that will definetly have an effect bouncing one off the forehead.

Hummm- one small problem. You arnt going to like the attention you attract from---- lets see now..... how about the RCMP? The DFO? Coast Guard?? The whale watchers? PETA????

I am afriad you had better go back to the drawing board!![xx(]
Give me a break[:eek:)]
jiggerjim. I am curious which way the monster pod of seals was going off Davis Bay there. Up the Strait or down. Hopefully right into the pod off Gabriola.
quote:Better then a paintball gun is a potato gun. powered by a propane canister and ignited by a bbq lighter. that will definetly have an effect bouncing one off the forehead.
I like percussion blasting caps and hair spay(only because I have to limit range in my backyard[:p]) that would definetly do the trick on any hapless aquatic creatures.ORRRR you could just use a .50 cal http://myoutdoortv.com/myoutdoortv_hunting/index.html;)[xx(];)
(the scary part is people actually use those things)
I really think that ANY rifle on the water is dangerous, besides, you are not supposed to shoot those things over water, aren't you? Any sea cull would probably result in the quarantine of several miles of coast while they do it to prevent injury to bystanders. Or maybe just mow 'em down one morning when they are sleeping on the rocks.