help save the affordable internet


Well-Known Member
my mom just sent me this thought other would want to know whats happening
I just signed the petition to stop new Internet fees at and you should too!

Here's some background:

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are about to impose usage-based billing on YOU.

This means we're looking at a future where ISPs will charge per byte, the way they do with smart phones. If we allow this to happen Canadians will have no choice but to pay MUCH more for less Internet. Big Telecom companies are obviously trying to gouge consumers, control the Internet market, and ensure that consumers continue to subscribe to their television services.

These Big Telecom companies are forcing small ISP competitors to adopt the same pricing scheme. So we have no choice but to pay these punitive fees.

This will crush innovative services, Canada's digital competitiveness, and your wallet.

We urgently need to send a clear message to Ottawa that we won't stand by while some of the most profitable companies in the county indiscriminately add news fees to our Internet bills.

Visit to sign!
cool, just read the email and thought i would post it. Well if the voters can change the pm's take of internet use, just hope he can look at the halibut issue cause i know who i am not voting for !!!
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