Harper does it again - Sells Canada out with Canada-China FIPPA Agreement!

Himmler Harper!

His majority government has gone to his head.
He's gotta' go or this will be a very different Canada we leave for our kids.
Very Scary piece of legislation that tramples our democratic rights for the sake of big corporate money! :mad:


In one week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper will bind Canada to the most sweeping trade deal since NAFTA, without debate. Unless we take action before October 31st.

When the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement passes, it will allow China’s state-run companies to spend billions buying our Canadian natural resources. Under FIPPA, China’s companies will sue Canadian governments, federal, provincial or municipal, in secret tribunals outside the Canadian court system, when governments demand anything that will limit China’s profits. For example, it would be very difficult to improve environmental standards or to stipulate employment of Canadian workers. The FIPPA will constrain us for 31 years, limiting the creation of Canadian jobs, protection of our environment and efforts ensuring vibrant communities. Billion-dollar lawsuits will be funded by Canadian taxpayers and will divert money from pensions, education and healthcare. Canada has already spent hundreds of millions on penalties under NAFTA, and currently Belgium is facing a $3-billion suit from a Chinese company under a similar foreign-investor agreement. Don't think this cannot happen!

What can we do now - contact MP's and MLA's immediately to ask for a court injunction to declare this FIPPA non-constitutional.
Read more and take action: http://elizabethmay.ca/in-the-news/...adas-sovereignty-what-we-are-giving-to-china/
I think the worst part is that he (Harper) doesn't have to explain or justify this deal to ANYONE. He has the absolute power to sign this and literally no one can stop him if he so chooses.

Do we live in a democracy - well, sort of during the election phase but not really once a party is in power. The Canadian Prime Minister (any and all of them) has more power to do what he wants than the American President.
We are going to see more of these things in next few years....This is just the beginning. Even though I am opposed to this and the pipeline they will go in. There really isn't much too stop them.

High Five, do not despair. There IS something to stop them...the people of BC. There is a huge number of BC voters who are against that pipeline. The BC Governement will change in May, in large part because of this pipeline madness. The FN will (mostly) fight this to the end as well and with luck they could keep it tied up in the courts for years. Either way, that pipeline (Northern Gateway) will NOT go through.
FIPA legislation is being fought and we may yet get a parliamentary debate.
The "twinning" of the line down to Burnaby I am not sure about....that will depend on Vancouver voters and is less certain to be stopped because a line/right-of-way is already established.
Yes for once we have people sitting up and paying attention, the trick is now to keep that ball rolling and not give any ground.

High Five, do not despair. There IS something to stop them...the people of BC. There is a huge number of BC voters who are against that pipeline. The BC Governement will change in May, in large part because of this pipeline madness. The FN will (mostly) fight this to the end as well and with luck they could keep it tied up in the courts for years. Either way, that pipeline (Northern Gateway) will NOT go through.
FIPA legislation is being fought and we may yet get a parliamentary debate.
The "twinning" of the line down to Burnaby I am not sure about....that will depend on Vancouver voters and is less certain to be stopped because a line/right-of-way is already established.
hey, atleast we got rid of the gun registry right?.....what a bunch of bullshyte, anyone that is suprised is a complete idiot.....holmes*

The conservatives love to dangle a few carrots out there (gun registry, free markets, freedom, etc) to appeal to the audience that is actually most hurt by their policies that continue to transfer wealth from the poor to the already wealthy. This has happened for decades and will it is getting worse as fewer and fewer people continue to seize more control of our political process. It's not as easy fix as they have carefully set up a system whereby money rules and 1 person 1 vote has turned into 1 dollar 1 vote. Until people can realize that they are being duped this will continue.

The US case is even more pronounced. Many of the 10's of millions of people living at/near the poverty line (especially in the deep south) continue to vote for republican because the republicans promise things like (loose gun control, freedom from gov't, choice with healthcare, no choice with abortion, etc) and these people really do believe these things are in their interests despite continued evidence over decades that these policies are making them worst off. Inequality in US and Canada is at an all time high and the right-wing policies are at the heart of it. Not saying the Democrats or Libs/NDP are going to ever fix things quickly but starting to take control back from corporations and mega-billionaires is a step in the right direction and that is at least what they are trying to control.
Yep my feelings to a tee! We are the country we need to know what you are doing with it!
[LTIOMJT5ubg] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTIOMJT5ubg
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England gave Hong Kong back... Now it's our turn....
What I have seen is the guy's that know the economic value are too busy watching what is happening down south.
The are more concerned in the US policy to bother with their own country...
Too bad the "Think Tanks" stopped thinking about 10 years ago...
Now it's pure ideology and don't let the fact get in the way...
Sad state of affairs.....
Here is another link to information about the web of power around this draconian bill which will provide China with a veto over our environmental or other laws which might "reduce their expectation of profits" !!

I for one, will keep writing letters on this one.


The more we learn about the Canada-China investors deal, FIPA, the more concerning it becomes. Jamie and Emma just published some research we've been working on for the last few weeks. It reveals a multi-billion dollar web of law firms involved in investor-state arbitration - the mechanism by which China's companies could sue Canadian governments in secret tribunals under FIPA.

Many of those same lawyers are commenting publicly, telling us not to worry about FIPA. And, in the media's efforts to appear balanced, they're giving significant weight to these pro-FIPA voices. What isn't made clear to readers is these experts' apparent personal financial interests in FIPA passing, because of the millions of dollars in business FIPA could create for their firms.

We need to make sure Canadians know that these pro-FIPA "experts" are far from neutral -- please share this article right now:

Link to email & share: http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2012/11/30/FIPA-Profits-For-Lawyers/

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Please share this on all the social media channels you use.

Thank you so much.

With hope and respect,
Matthew on behalf of the Leadnow team

I think Harper has just put this on the backburner long enough to dispatch his propaganda machine. Unfortunately, MSM is bought and paid for by major advertising campaigns by Harper, Christy and Enbridge so they'll say as little as possible but a little more late night as less are watching.

I'm figuring they are going to ratify this and the Nexxon takeover right before they shutdown for the holidays. That's been their MO since day one bad news on a Friday when no ones their to answer questions and we're out doing other things so not paying attention. That and fan the message out all over the country. I can't wait for more messages from my MP telling me how this will improve environmental standards with tougher fines. But who could ever violate the standard? Oh wait a minute i already got that one! I guess this one will be how they are protecting Canadian interests in China.

What a joke! I wouldn't want Harper negotiating on a a new car for me, let a alone him negotiating with Canada's future at stake.Really scary and how can he have that authority or even have the gall to think he has! Where did he get this Mandate!
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Sign petition agains Nexan deal for China!!

You can sign a petition against the Nexan deal here. If this goes through, it will be the first investment totally protected by FIPA. (If Harper follows up with that as he intends).
China can then sue us for millions, if not billions, if we pass any environmental or labour laws that affects Nexan's "expectation of profits".

Sign the petition here!
Get your red hot oil companys here ...... Got two up for sale at a fire sale price....

How about your Mr China? .... SOLD...... Nexen is now CNOOC... done deal

How about you Mr Malaysia? .....SOLD..... Progress Energy Resources is now Petronas.... done deal

Must be Friday afternoon as those cowards in Ottawa run away from the public for the weekend.
Get your red hot oil companys here ...... Got two up for sale at a fire sale price....

How about your Mr China? .... SOLD...... Nexen is now CNOOC... done deal

How about you Mr Malaysia? .....SOLD..... Progress Energy Resources is now Petronas.... done deal

Must be Friday afternoon as those cowards in Ottawa run away from the public for the weekend.

Yup always on a Friday. FIPPA will be next right before the holidays. They'll probably leave Flaherty or Baird there to announce it and turn out the lights. Harper prefers to give most of his reports on how he will run the country to the people that matter, in Davos. :(
Mark my words,the pipeline will happen wheather we like it or not!!!
Mark my words, the people of BC, including the First Nations, will put up such a hell of a fight the Northern Gateway Pipeline will never be built.

This process will start with the removal of the Liberals in the next BC election and the installation of the NDP. Then we are gonna see a huge Provincial/Federal fight for as long as the conservatives are in....which hopefully will not be long!