halibut smell

scott craven

Well-Known Member
Anybody had any problem with the skinned and bagged filets
smelling fishy after a few days in the fridge?
i usually keep them fresh like that for up to a week with very
little odor.
The filets bleed out some liquid which i drain, and i wonder
if that's where the odor comes from ?
I have noticed it too before but eaten anyways (never been sick from it) and its always been just fine.
Fish Smell? You gotta be kiddin me. Process asap and freeze whatever you aren't going to eat right away. [8D]
the trick here is removing as much of the slime from the skin sides before you filet the fish.

the hali slime is thick and quickly becomes rank the moment it starts to dry up.

use the back side of your filet knife to wipe off the slime and rinse before you cut up your fish... the finished product will smell ALOT better.

i do the same for salmon as well.
I worked in the seafoos industry for several years and there is nothing worse than Halibut slime.Nasty odour
When I had my limit of two halibut a month ago, I cut the fish into fillets at first time. Few hours later, I smell the strong odor coming from the cutting fish area.ewwwww! Good thing, fresh fillets are in the freezer.
I just scrup the fish down with a deck brush and sea water before they even go in the fish box. Or, do like my buddy and use a towel to rub the slime off.
I've eaten dogfish,but its been 30 yrs since I've eaten a filet o fish from McYuks cause I blew chunks on the last one,not sure if it was the tartar sauce or the week old fish
I battered up a dogfish once it wasn't half bad actually.... the avg person wouldn't be able to tell much difference in taste... most guys on the board here would know right away however! But i'd eat it again!
Interesting fact, we brought back 4 hallies in the round, gutted
and headed.
those 4 fish sat on ice all week, and i fileted them off tonite.
they were as fresh as the day we caught them.
i would surely do that again, rather than fileting all at once.