Halibut Anchor Puller



It has been a number of years since I have been out on the water, and remember a simple little device you put on the bottom of your scottsman to pull your anchor line up. Anyone know what they are called and where the best price to pick one up is? I think they came in Aluminum and in Plastic, but I would prefer the aluminum one.

I used to use a small snatch block for my prawn pulling and for hali anchor.. Now i used a 10" split steel ring.. I do not know the specific name for it tho..
Scotty and others make them ....... easy to use with a BIG Scotchman about 30 bucks ........ Steveston Hardware or others....
I got the black tube puller if you want it. It was a spare and I use the SS rings. It's free........Let me know.
I have always used a steel ring, however unless you haul hard and get the chain to go through it, then the anchor begins falling again and you need to often repull a couple more times to get it all up.