
Thanks for posting this SD. Interesting read for sure. I think the Greens are going to win a few more seats this year. The other two parties are lack luster with their offerings to date.

Split up the voters or what have you. I think they will get some more votes this year. I just hope more folks show up to vote damn it!
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I have been following the election closely this year. And I have read the green book as well. Nearly everything that I hear out of the greens makes too much sense. This article is the tip of the iceberg. A majority of people I know young and old want to vote green, but many will not because they think the greens don't have a chance. Well im in Victoria and seeing major green support. I say the status quo is a wasted vote! Just listen to Clark and Dix rip each other. Their both right, their both crooked, neither has a realistic view or a fresh idea. So don't vote for them if you don't like them.
I've looked at all the parties ( Lib, NDP, Con, Green) and there is not one that I can vote for for one reason or another. Sure wish there were more Independents running so we could vote for the person and NOT the party. Not sure what to do come ballot marking time - hold nose and vote?
The Green party has great environmental ideas, and the NDP has their usual tax and spend tax tax tax to pay for all thier social programs but unless we have the wealtheconomic growth in the oil and gas as well as forestry this province will become a have not province and very quickly

Without the wealth from resources this province can't afford the initiatives of either the Greens or the NDP, and the Conservatives is nothing more than a way to split the right vote and put more votes in that fraudster Dixs pocket