Favorite Halibut Trolling Set Up


Active Member
With spring just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about Halibut season. What is your favorite halibut trolling set up? I have had good success using glow hot spot flashers with 6 feet of leader followed by a 4 ¾ inch glow Kajiki Squid. I troll very slow and drop my downrigger ball until it bounces constantly and then bring it up a turn or two.
I use a hotspot flasher-6ft leader largest jughead they have and salmon belly flap with double snelled gamagatsu's. Drop the ball to the bottom -come up a couple of feet-troll very slowly-kills lings as well. I usually rig 5 salmon belly jughead strips at home and freeze them so they are ready to go when I want them.
If you mean my post I'm about 21/2 to 3 above the ball and about 12 ft back-trying to be as close to the bottom as I can-sometimes its a trial -if the current or tide are running a bit or windy you may have 250ft of cable or braid out in 200 ft of water. Any slowing down or stop of the troll you have to come up as the ball will swing down and may hang. This type of fishing the guys have to be right on the rigger and paying close attention to the sounder-not a time for inattention or getting a bevy-once mastered it is incredibly effective. Not plugging Juggies-my preference but will work with other baits or hootchy's. I have taken many springs with the salmon belly by the way!
I'm a rookie halibut fisherman so don't laugh, but what's a jughead?

I use a hotspot flasher-6ft leader largest jughead they have and salmon belly flap with double snelled gamagatsu's. Drop the ball to the bottom -come up a couple of feet-troll very slowly-kills lings as well. I usually rig 5 salmon belly jughead strips at home and freeze them so they are ready to go when I want them.
Very interesting. What's the action like? Similar to a plug? Or do you troll slower? Haven't seen one locally so will look when I'm on the island. Any particular color and/or size?
Very interesting. What's the action like? Similar to a plug? Or do you troll slower? Haven't seen one locally so will look when I'm on the island. Any particular color and/or size?
I use the largest size they make and I cut a belly flap strip to fit-usually 8 to 10 inches long. Here is a link to start with and I know there are many threads on here from last year, http://www.jugheadshaker.com/
Thanks. I just watched a couple videos. Looks good to me. Definately will be on the lookout for some of these.
No need to buy new gear for hali.... Just troll with any of the larger gear you no longer use for salmon... Glow and with scent.
Seem to have really good luck with green splatterback needle fish hootchies. Not sure whey but the halibut love them.