factory bottom trawls wasting TONS of bycatch

I had a call last night from a crew member on one of these large boats. They were unloading hake and he told me they had well over a full tote of Chinook bycatch. This is one delivery off one boat. The sickening part is it gets justified as a small percentage of the total poundage and is deemed acceptable. I sure hope some people write letters in to the minister. The new factory with the reduction plant in the bow will just grind their Chinook up with little to no accountability.
Ya the hake & pollock trawl fisheries in Alaska also take a fair bit of Chinook - but have reduced that amount in the past few years. There was a discussion on that fishery on this forum in 2010 @: https://www.sportfishingbc.com/forum/index.php?threads/alaska-chinook-bycatch-again.44565/

The current NOAA bycatch report by year can be found @: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/reso...eries-chinook-salmon-incidental-catch-and-esa

This is also current and informative: https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/article/72/4/1159/800295