Epic slide in Bute Inlet

I've been up on the Southgate and Homathco several times by helicopter. Had the great pleasure of fishing bull trout on the Homathco, and walking about on the lower Southgate. This is extreme country. Huge glaciers, steep valley walls...man, everything up there is super sized. I understand the estimated size of the wall of water and debris was possibly up to 300 feet high rolling down that valley. Every living thing was obliterated. Reminds me of just how powerful mother nature is, and how fragile things we take for granted really are. I doubt the Southgate will ever be the same in my lifetime. Looking forward with curiosity to see updates on where the event started, and just how devastating the impacts are to the lower Southgate.
Mother Nature have no mercy. It would be interesting to see pictures of how plug the inlet is with debris.
thx fo sharing.
I have seen some pretty large slides up butte, knight, kingcome and one spectacular one up Moses and Im not sure any of those affected the salmon to any great degree. They are tough buggers
I have seen some pretty large slides up butte, knight, kingcome and one spectacular one up Moses and Im not sure any of those affected the salmon to any great degree. They are tough buggers
Yup...one day humans will be gone ,land slides will continue, life will evolve and go on for whats left behind
Wow it looks like the toe of the ice field just let go and ran into the lake pushing the lake water out and down the mountain. Shows the power of hydraulics.