Dr. Kristi Miller-Saunders' (an expert DFO fish scientist) recent estimony

Thanks, again for your post Shuswap. Here is a companion Thesis for your interest: http://jis.athabascau.ca/index.php/jis/article/view/195/322
Gatekeeping and Silos: Exploring Managers’ Discretion and the Actions Taken to Avoid Gatekeeping in Blueprint 2020
By: Daniel Dickin, M.A.

I loved this quote: "Gatekeeping is also proliferated as an exercise in power and control, especially at the minister and deputy minister levels. Senior managers who organize fiefdoms and create personal empires to wage personal agendas or career ambitions are also responsible for gatekeeping. They create a culture of exclusivity, wrapping themselves in a bubble of “yes-people” who are all but invited to create their own personal hierarchies under the authority of being one of the few with access to that first, senior manager."
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Who funds watershed watch society? I know I am high jacking. ...
Fair question SV - esp. if we are evaluating info generated by any particular organization. This was however, a video of Kristi Miller whom I believe that most (both "antis" and "pros") believe has quite a bit of credibility.