DFO's Mandate is Not What You Think (Part 1 of 3)

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Latest newsletter from Alex Morton - keep up the good fight Alex!

DFO's Mandate is Not What You Think

The people of Canada expect Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to be the government agency in charge of protecting wild fish. Well, you should know this is not DFO's mandate (see below) and the sooner we recognize this and respond, the better our hope for life continuing in the oceans that lap against the shores of Canada.

Not only is protection of wild fish nowhere on DFO's to-do list, they are actively hiding the information needed to keep wild salmon alive. This is not honest and does not benefit Canadians present or f
future. As I see it, there is a chronic problem - the errosion and diminishing of democracy in Canada and an acute problem - salmon farms as industrial disease breeding facilities placed in the heart of wild salmon habitat. Below I offer the evidence and what can be done, but I want to say up front, that unless you arm me with the resources to take this to the markets, we are not going to be able to stop the flood of disease pouring over wild salmon as they travel the coastline of BC. I hate asking for money, but unless we take this fight to the consumer we will continue to fall victim to the indifference of the governments in power. This has to reach wide and far wherever people are buying the farmed salmon that use the BC coast as an industrial waste site. Fund the campaign to educate the public about what they are doing when they put farmed salmon in their mouths. It is going to be highly professional.

I continue the science, films and legal challenge, and but I can see we have to go straight to the consumer:

DFO's Mandate "Biotechnology" Who Knew?
At some point in the recent past protection of wild fish was removed from the stated purpose of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Instead they are protecting exports, trade, aquaculture and biotechnology. Mission, Vision and Values

Fisheries and Oceans Canada supports in this order:

  1. economic growth,and trade
  2. aquaculture and biotechnology and
  3. and merely "contributes" to sustainable ecosystems.
How did "biotechnology" get on this list? Biotechnology is the manipulation of biological processes for industrial uses.
The salmon farming industry is producing genetically modified salmon eggs, - biotechnology. Apparently that is a high priority for DFO.
While DFO has been clear and upfront that the "fish" in Fisheries Canada, are not wild fish, they go one step further. It would appear DFO is actually hiding the information required to protect wild salmon. When a federal agency changes its mandate, it is our responsibility to respond if we feel the new mandate is damaging to the country. But hiding information, that we paid to generate is a whole different category of government behaviour.
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