Deadly European virus found in B.C. salmon


Well-Known Member
scary.... it doesn't affect pacific salmon....yet

But it has. It was found in two of fortyeight sockeye smolts and the opening sentence refers to the virus found in wild BC Salmon. It's the Fish Farming industry that says it SHOULDN'T affect wild Pacific Salmon.
"A statement issued by the B.C. Salmon Farmers said the CFIA has yet to confirm the finding, but the disease would not likely affect wild Pacific salmon stocks like it affects Atlantic salmon, which are raised on West Coast salmon farms

"Farm-raised Atlantic salmon, unlike their Pacific cousins, are susceptible to ISA, so this is a concern for our operations, but much less likely to be an issue for the different Pacific species," said Stewart Hawthorn, managing director for Grieg Seafood in a statement released on Monday."

This was what i was referring to...
Interesting, gives me an idea. Maybe the fastest way to get rid of open pen farming is to introduce a benign virus into our wild salmon so they can pass it on to the farmed fish when they pass on the way to the open ocean. Of coarse the virus would not be benign to Atlantics. Wouldn't that be ironic!!
... the disease would not likely affect wild Pacific salmon stocks like it affects Atlantic salmon...

... much less likely to be an issue for the different Pacific species...

Uh-Huh. Certainly

The world's best science minds have noted "The Jury is still out" regarding ISA infection of Pacific Salmonids. Guess the Farmers know better? :rolleyes:

ISA is a Virus, known to mutate and mutate rapidly. Given a large biomass of new species to invade, there is NO reason to believe it will not do exactly that in our waters. Precaution alone would suggest NUKING every single open net pen's contents... Today.

What a load of CRAP! :(

X2 Nog,

The salmon feed lot spokesperson provides a politically motivated platitude and the media publish it as though it were scientific fact. It is utter rubbish.
You are right, it is absolutely certain that wild Pacific stocks will be affected, if not immediately, then after a the virus has mutated for few hundred generations, which for a virus is a few months, if not weeks......

The ISAV has followed the salmon feed lots wherever they have gone, so it was inevitable that it should arrive in B.C. We have a disaster in the making now......
exactly what i was thinking iron and englishman ... i guess i was just a bit lazy in my first post haha

when will we learn.....
Someone should feed stuart hawthorn the virus and let him mutate then show the world what could happen.i always ask at restaurants if the salmon is wild or farmed if its farmed I leave I will not support farmed salmon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good post nog x 100000000000000000000000000.

Tight lines
As most of us who have been opposing the salmon farming industry are well aware, this virus - thanks to Norway - has followed the industry EVERYWHERE around the globe they have set up shop; read, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, the Eastern Seaboard of N. America and Chile.

I feel like puking when now - after hearing alarm-bells for over a decade from the scientific community - it's finally here and everyone's going OMG!

Saw a blurb on the news last night regarding this. It was an interview with one of the Native Band Chiefs who demanded that "They get every God-Damned penned Salmon out of the Ocean on BC's coast NOW!" Maybe something will start happening now since the government tends to pay more attention to the demands of First Nations.
Well at last the smoking gun has been found.

The industry can deny the effects all they want, but there is no reasonable doubt as to where ISA has come from.

Somewhere a cloud just receded and the light at the end of the tunnel got a little bit brighter...
This is going to be a disaster, my first thought is nothing is going to change. I know next year and 5 years from now all the fish pens I drive by in Nootka and other places will still be there as everyone try's to justify their position. If this takes off, human nature will give the wild stocks their final blow.
So it seems that there are about ten people on this site that think this is a big deal.
Way more interest it in cheap guides and the latest hockey news or banter from FA and .org.
Whats wrong with you folks?
Did the response from the fish feedlot folks that it's no big deal convince you that this is so?
The commentary from the scientific community say that this could be devastating to wild salmon.
The PR reps from fish feedlots say no problem here move along.

Perhaps many of you really don't care or perhaps you are just going to sit there and take it.
I for one wish to make this a big deal and demand further testing on all our streams.
Government should send the bill for the testing and cleanup to Norway for this mess.
A least the shareholders of this industry should be on the hook for this crap.
Gail Shea should also be held accountable for letting this virus in our waters.
After all she was the one that gave the free pass to the fish feedlot companies to import the virus.
Put these farms on land .... on Norway's land.
It's not that I don't care, GLG. Quite the opposite. But some of us have known this day would come very soon for quite some time and I am not surprised at all. I am certain that the virus has been here for some time already. So in my eyes people who just wake up now to this fact have been living in a dream world with voluntary blind folds on the whole time and I can just shake my head! Where were people when there was a full-out street ralley in Victoria's and Vancouver's streets in April 2010 - when concerned First Nation, scientists, activists rang the alarm bells and pleaded for support from the public? Where was the all-so-mighty sportfishing community when it was about their favoured fishing target - saving our wild salmon from mismanagement, habitat destruction and fish farm impacts? I think I saw into 2 or 3 of them including Little Hawk among 5000 concerned from the general public in front of the parliament building. The rest was "committed" to the "Just For the Halibut Derby" and "important" private business. Well I say, there you have it! It wasn't a priority for you all then, so why did you expect changes? The powers went on with their agenda as most of you obviously have other things in mind - other than salmon! Had there been 100,000 sportfishermen in the streets that day - I believe we wouldn't have to worry about fish farms anymore here in BC. Maybe one day all of you will wake up and realize that democracy comes with certain responsibilities for each individual as well. Just minding your own little world and hoping the others will fix everything to your liking - is certainly not going to work. And the price you will pay for this complacency will be high. One of the casualties along that route will be our wild salmon. If you don't believe me and think I am gloom-talker then please look to the old world and you can see our salmon's future clearly laid out.
sounds like some organizing in BC would be most appropriate. everyone down this way is well aware of this ISA issue but since it is across the international border, there is not much we can do to get these net pens out of the water. so folks, all the best in getting organized, this could easily devistate all of those stock migrating down the inside passage.
"Farm-raised Atlantic salmon, unlike their Pacific cousins, are susceptible to ISA, so this is a concern for our operations, but much less likely to be an issue for the different Pacific species," said Stewart Hawthorn.

Like a minivan has a lesser chance of killing you than a school bus?
Enough is enough, I'm getting a hold of my MLA and MP, now! I suggest we all do the same, before our icon is gone.

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Sadly with the general public there won't be much concern until there is video footage of a mass die off washed up on local shores. Human nature...never really get involved until its too late. Kinda like the Japanese reactors...completely forgot about even though they are still leaking radioactive waste into our oceans. It will take high levels of radioactive contamination showing up here and elsewhere before people decide something more has to be done.