Craigflower Creek Coho Threatened by NDP


Well-Known Member
As a volunteer Streamkeeper on Craigflower Creek, it is my duty to keep safe clean water flowing, allowing fish in the system to survive.
Recently it was announced that our NDP government has overruled the Municipality of View Royal and decided to turn the park land currently occupied by the Victoria Bowman into an Industrial site with Craigflower creek running through it. The plan is to have an industrial maintenance yard looking after up to 100 busses on the currently zoned parkland without asking local residents if they object. So much for DEMOCRACY!
There is need for construction of such a facility, but not on parkland in a residential neighbourhood close to an elementary school.
Air, noise and water pollution will surely be in the future.
Currently a similar project is underway in the Cowichan Valley on an “Industrial Site”.
The Esquimalt Angler’s club has been working on Craigflower Creek for almost 80 years.
3 years ago we had the largest return of adult Coho ever.
I just wanted to share this information with everyone on this site before it’s too late.
Turning a park into an industrial site without permission?
PLEASE HELP - write your Premier, write your MLA, write everyone - spread the word.
Save the fish and the park!
No Democratic Policy
Very disappointing
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Have fun with Ministry Environment it is run by clowns. Been fighting their crap for years. Not suprised.
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Stosh, myself and many others have been involved in this fight for quite some time. With overwhelming support from the community the council had no choice but to follow the residents wishes and not amend the OCP for this facility in this location....the councillors and mayor were all asked point blank what their stand is during the last election....they all were opposed. What is quite disturbing about this particular application is that the prov government has ignored the wishes of local government regarding zoning and has basically stated they don't care what local governments wishes are they will do what they want......according to the union of bc municipalities this is a first, and they are concerned about local municipalities having these projects rammed down our throats with zero regard to the municipalities wishes.....doesn't sound very diplomatic does it?

anyway this particular fight is ours but it will impact everyone in BC either will all be able to rely on local governance to respect the wishes of the population or you will take what you get forced down your throat without regard to your wishes.

has basically stated they don't care what local governments wishes are they will do what they want......according to this union of bc municipalities this is a first, and they are concerned about local municipalities having these projects rammed down our throats with zero regard to the municipalities wishes.....doesn't sound very diplomatic does it?

Wow that's bad, Wasn't the NDP suppose to put a stop to this kind of stuff?
CVRD lost millions 2+ fighting the province over the act same issue you guys are fighting against. It even went as high up as Supreme Court of Canada. The province still can override municipalities wishes. Doesn't matter what zoning says. You guys should be engaging MLA Sonia F. on this issue. I know she is green but the MOE considers her a pain in butt.

Horgan was supposed to be different but I think he is just being guided by MOE. As you know Shawnigan is still in a war with MOE over the contaminated soil facility that CVRD still maintains was never allowed for CVRD zoning.

Shawnigan creek is salmon habitat as well as drinking water, and province doesn't care. I am glad you guys are saying something. Even if it goes in you need to ask questions on how it will be monitored etc. The monitoring is where MOE always fails!
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could go either way.....our local MLA Mitzi Dean is a complete liar and our mayor is handcuffed as the province can do whatever they want. they have pretty far reaching powers when it comes to using land as "arterial/highway", which is what they are trying to do, even though it completely isn't "arterial/highway" .....its an industrial facility in a residential area which has a fish bearing stream directly through it. If the province rescinds then it will be a win for all municipalities and if they don't it will a pretty major setback, at least this is what the UBCM thinks.
could go either way.....our local MLA Mitzi Dean is a complete liar and our mayor is handcuffed as the province can do whatever they want. they have pretty far reaching powers when it comes to using land as "arterial/highway", which is what they are trying to do, even though it completely isn't "arterial/highway" .....its an industrial facility in a residential area which has a fish bearing stream directly through it. If the province rescinds then it will be a win for all municipalities and if they don't it will a pretty major setback, at least this is what the UBCM thinks.

have you guys been able to get an media coverage, Point horgan and weaver as salmon habitat killers would be a good story. It also may force them to make a media release about it.