Crabbing confrontation in Sooke prompts stern reminder from DFO

That guy was certainly taking a risk calling out the bad behaviour, but if we all just turn a blind eye to the poachers or people who may just not know any better it will be our fishery that suffers. I certainly agree with the DFO officer's recommendation to call it in on the report line, but sometimes a respectful discussion to call out the bad behaviour might create better awareness.

We spotted a guy on Facebook Market Place advertising sale of illegal crab. Would have been easy to reply and show up to challenge him for the illegal sale, but instead called the DFO report line. Got through to a real person who took the report and details of where the FB add was etc. If everyone reported what they see on the water it would be interesting to see if DFO could keep up...maybe they would actually get more officers!
SOMETIMES people are unaware of the regs - even tho that is not really an excuse. So starting with the assumption that they simply don't know the regs is a polite and respectful way to start a conversation. And yes - DFO has limited staff and ability to cover the coast - so if we all keep an eye out - it gets more difficult for the larger-scale sh*t to continuously happen. Someone also got smart enough to video this confrontation and I am assuming also smart enough to get licence plates 1st- just in case.

I think he actually did them a favour - because if it was DFO C&P that stopped them w/o that guy checking their catch 1st - there'd be fines at the minimum. Gotta be careful tho - can't just grab somone's catch and start going through it unless you are C&P - that's a good way to start a confrontation.
i love confrontation when i know what i am doing is right. none ever confront tho. they already know they are wrong. i called c/o and rcmp once, waited for an hour. the non -english poachers where getting ready to leave so i helped them release all 40 undersized males and females. Lack of enforcement causes regular people to act. good on this guy.
If more people spoke up the people who do this wouldn't feel so emboldened by the lack of enforcement and it would happen less often.