Courtenay All Candidates meeting--

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
This evening-- Filberg Center at 7pm

really could use some fishy questions to the candidates...
Wouldn't that send a message to the politicians if no-one showed up because of the game! Tells you how really important this election is!

Definitely not saying we don't need a strong showing at the meeting CL, just a whimsical thought.
Thanks for the post C.L.
I viewed it via the webcast..
I only missed Duncans opening..
He really had a hard time putting a sentence together!!

He DOES support open ocean fish farming.....sad!
He said he WOULD ATTEMPT to put a staff member on to help with the hali allocation.

WHAT ??? ..... he has had many months to step up to the plate as our MP to do that ! (Last ditch attempt at another 175 G BASE salary!)
Guess he is grasping...last breath for votes!
He sided with slipper skippers until now..SORRY TOO LATE!
Ya-- only a very few questions asked as well. If it had been a decent hockey game, it would have been better to watch that instead of talking heads....

So-- anyone going to let Harper know what they think of his guy in Campbell River this Sat?
I honestly cant take another candidates meeting. THere are only so many hours you are given in your life and i prefer not to knowingly waste them. I shall be in Cr for harper if anyone wants to carpool from the valley