cooling intake keeps fouling


Active Member
Hello All

I run through Skidegate narrows to go to the west coast of Haida Gwaii with my 2007 Evinrude 150 and the cooling intake often gets fouled with the kelp that inhabits the west narrows. This is my 3rd season with this motor and prior to that I had a '94 Johnson commercial on the boat which seldom fouled. The lower units on both outboards appear identical.

Any suggestions on what I can do to reduce this problem?

Back when Sooke Harbour Marina rented boats they had the same problem. People running into the kelp and ruining motors by getting them hot to the point of seizing. It all started when they updated from older OMC's to newer ones that sucked water on the sides of the leg instead of the exhaust port under the cav plate. The owner installed fairly thick/still wire through the intake slots so that they formed a loop on each side of the leg...maybe stuck out about 2 inches from the side of the leg. These lops prevented the kelp from being able to lie flat against the water intake and completely shutting them off. It didn't look pretty but the problem went away. I installed a water pressure gauge on my boat years ago and that has saved me countless times from over heating my engine. When I'm going through waters where I know it could plug up, I keep an eye on the gauge and shut it down the instant I loose pressure. (way before the would ever alarm sound) The gauge is about $75 and is easy to install.