Confusion Over Salmon Hooks

The Skeptic

Okay, so I’m sure this has been beaten to death in a dozen other threads but I’m still unclear on single barbless hooks for salmon. Please bare with me, I’m new to salmon and I want to be right out on the water.

I understand a spoon/plug with a siwash on it, but am I also expected to replace the trebles on jigs with a single hook?

What about jigs with dancing stingers/assist hooks? Like on the shimano butterfly jigs. Am I required to cut a hook off?

Mooching rigs have two hooks, so am I to understand that I can have multiple single hooks on one bait/lure as long as their aren’t any trebles?

I have received different answers from different people in stores so I’m going to put my trust in the internet.
For salmon, unless there is a specific area regulation in place about single barbless hooks in place for the area you are fishing ( some terminal fisheries for example) you can have any type of hook or hooks you want as long as they are barbless. Want three trebles on your anchovie then go ahead, just make sure every barb is pinched. For other fish you do not need barless hooks but if you hook a salmon on your barbed lingcod jig you are supposed to let it go. stinger hooks are fine. Lures and rigs are only supposed to be designed to catch one fish at a time (herring jigs diffreent again) Fresh water is different and very clear in the guide: barbless single hooks only in rivers and streams.
For salmon, unless there is a specific area regulation in place about single barbless hooks in place for the area you are fishing ( some terminal fisheries for example) you can have any type of hook or hooks you want as long as they are barbless. Want three trebles on your anchovie then go ahead, just make sure every barb is pinched. For other fish you do not need barless hooks but if you hook a salmon on your barbed lingcod jig you are supposed to let it go. stinger hooks are fine. Lures and rigs are only supposed to be designed to catch one fish at a time (herring jigs diffreent again) Fresh water is different and very clear in the guide: barbless single hooks only in rivers and streams.

I appreciate it! Yes I’m very clear on the fresh water regs. As I said, I have heard multiple conflicting things from people in tackle shops Regarding the saltwater regs. I appreciate your response. It makes sense to me.