Cohen Commission up coming meeting made public

fogged in

Well-Known Member
Alexander Morton says....
I think it is important to recognize there have been and still are heroic efforts from within government to protect our fish from disease. Today, Dr. Sally Goldes who headed the provincial fish health lab stepped forward in the Times Colonist to say we never had effective measures against imported viruses. (see my blog). We need to support these people to represent our need for wild salmon.

I understand the Cohen Commission is refusing to allow live-streaming of this public inquiry. There are people who have stepped up to do this at no charge. You can voice an opinion on this:
Carla Shore 604-658-3646, Cell: 604-329-0975 Ms. Shore is only the messenger, you will need to convince Justice Bruce Cohen

This a public inquiry into a public resource, we are paying for the court time, the lawyers, the judge and the salaries of some of the people on the stand. It is open to the public who can afford to make the trip, so why can't everyone listen in as they did earlier this year? What about the people 900km up the Fraser River, don't they get the right listen too?

Alexandra Morton’s latest message tells us there are people who are prepared to provide streaming video of the upcoming meetings, however the powers to be have chosen to keep these public meetings unattainable to those of us who cannot make the trip. Hard to understand why.
I sent the following message.
“It is my understanding live streaming of the upcoming meetings of Cohen Commission is available at no cost to the Government of Canada. Is this correct?
If so, why should this service not be made available to the public of a meeting on a subject (disease and fish-farms) that has been surrounded in secrecy for so many years?”
If you are committed to ensuring Fish-Farms do not negatively impact our wild salmon , you will, I am sure want to email a message to the Cohen Commission asking the meeting be made available thru Live Streaming.
It’s easy...just open this link