Canadian Tire - Surcharge on salt water licenses?

I have a question though I wonder if you can go to your local DFO office and get a licence and if not why? I would question that one would be kind of neat to take up some of the sloths "workbreak" for a license.

It's not the folks here in the field that are the problem.
It's those penile heads back in Ottawa that are causing our grief.
I personally know many here in BC and they are as frustrated as you and me.
Don't take it out on them.
You would be surprised how many of them are anglers just like you and me.
After all when they hitched up they probably thought they could make a difference.
Sadly they have been hung out to dry by bean counters out east.
I used my email for my kids, just each has to have a different password kinda goofy but it works
As a vendor we used to get a dollar for each license we sold which wasn't a money making proposition or even close to it. However at least you were using supplies provided by the govt and only had your time invested to fill out the licenses, to count them all up at the end of a reporting period, fill out the forms to remit and then run to the post office and pay to send it all back to DFO. At least I could easily provide a license on the spot for an impulse buyer on the dock who wanted to go fishing now.
Now how do I handle that situation now? No computer at the dock, cell service on roam to the states most of the time in JDF. Oh I can send them up to Eagle Eye and inconvenience them, tie up their staff who might have a buying customer waiting for help, just so they can fill out licenses for MY customers so I can make money. The system as it is stinks. As said by others it is typical of what happens when people who have no actual point of sale experience in this industry and when those same people don't consult with those who have that experience.
I agree with those who suggested the service charge for doing the computer and printer work for your license be applied to a minimum's just good business!
But can't for the life of me figure out why anyone with a computer, a printer and minimal technology skills can't figure out how to do it themselves.
Everybody has some good points about retailers doing it to attract customers and as a public service and not to get greedy: but let's not forget the cause of this sorry mess. The gov't started moving down this path of public doing everything for themselves through computers several years ago. Their way of cutting jobs and saving money. Surely they bare all the responsibility when all these cost saving measures turn out to be faulty. Nobody should blame the retailers for not wanting to spend money to clean up the governments mistakes when the government is leaning on the retailers to bail them out. Retailers made very little under the old lic. scheme-many of them really did it for the reasons that were cited by most of the thread respondents. Now (retailers) they have extra space,provide printers, paper and personnel for little remuneration to access a system that is faulty, unreliable and generator of many complaints. No wonder they opt out-who could or should blame them!! We know who is the real culprit!!! Sunday rant cause I'm back in Canada and have run out of Margarita's!!!!!!

Bang on SF. Also, tackle shops likely lose more customers by selling licenses than gained by offereing licences to buy. I can see why some businesses might charge extra service fee now for sure but I also think not providing licences in the smaller shops makes the most sense IMO. Offereing licenses at a tackle shop may bring in a few customers that may also buy other items while there, however selling licences can interfere with regular clientele that are in the store and trying to get help from sales staff that are otherwise tied up because those staff are too busy at the counter filling out and printing licences (losing customers with expensive purchases while doing so - not to mention lost time and cost of printer hardware and materials)
I know for a fact this is one reason businesses don't offer licences - even the book licences of the past. The online only process now just makes that process much worse for them.
WHY not just do it home and not worry ????
I know of others that are charging as well...5 $ is not alot for what you get out of it...

again do it at home most people have computers and a printer....
I agree with Wolf but I got lazy and paid the extra 2 bucks at a local retailer. I had zero problems with paying that while I looked around and had someone else do the work for me lol! Hell I would have paid the 5 bucks as well:p.

Just to hijack this thread........I would pay 50 bucks more than the license is now if I knew it was going towards enhancement and not general revenue:cool:.

I'll start a new thread just for kicks.....
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